Thursday, May 24, 2007

11-8-06 Living in a vegetative state?

November 8, 2006

How can one tell?
For a live demo go to the family room

Coach Wonderful and I were sitting in the family room when he said to me, "Grandma, just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."

So I got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all his diet Pepsi!

I had no idea when I married him that my hubby apparently suffered from a not so rare genetic deformity in his DNA. It’s commonly referred to as The Interior Pigskin Membrane. Instead of fat cells beneath their skin they have football cells. Typical symptoms are: prolonged staring which results in drooling, excessive pontification, and a fixation on Xs and Os. To my chagrin I thought those were kisses and hugs. This genetic deformity seems to multiply in families like rabbits to the second and third generation and probably beyond. Well at least I married the Center and not the loose end……… tight end…whatever!

Ok football is beginning to get on my nerves. I think high school football is pretty cool. I especially love to watch our son Tom coach his Knights and our grandson TC send those spirals through the air. Love watching our grandson Derek smile as he flattens the opponents in junior high school. College football is always exciting all day and night on Saturdays. Paaleeze, Calgone take me away! It kind of dwarfs the good ole` fun January 1st bowl game day of yesteryear. That has turned into “The 32 Games of Bowl Season” month! Ugg! ESPU! Every night of the week there is some kind of football on TV. If it’s not the NFL or Big Time College or local high school then it’s Fantasy Football! All across the world you can hear women cry: “Hold me, Hug me, squeeze me, pretend I’m your remote control”! Lord have muuur .. saaay! I drove to the park last Saturday just to escape the sound of football and to listen to classical music while I watched the sunset and what did I spy?

[Lord let this work]

[green 27-green 27 - hut-hut]

Do you see that little football on the ground?
Even the prairie dogs play football around here!

[Hooray! Sike!]

Sometimes there is just a whole lot of shaking going on in a person’s life. Perhaps not earth shaking - just aggravating. When life gets a pile up of annoyances I cling to Job 9:27 “… 'I will forget my complaint, I will change my expression, and smile." I cannot control what others do nor can I control circumstances but I CAN control my attitude and my response. Wow! God is good!

A Pearl to string: A strong woman has faith
that she is strong enough for the journey....
but a woman of strength
has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Know you are
Made for and loved by Him,

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