Purple Bells
January 3, 2007
Then Sings My Soul – the music of my life - Opus by God
I don’t know what happened to my New Year’s resolution that I would not watch football past New Year’s Eve until September of this New Year. I watched six games yesterday. Too many of my new year’s resolutions fall by the wayside before I get my Christmas decorations put away. Of course some years it was June before all was neatly stowed away. I’ve noticed how new resolutions seem to accelerate the pace of my life. I am changing my ways. I’m not going to make any more resolutions. I am going to slow down and look at who God made in me. I am going to focus on my opus! Do you know what your opus is going to be?
An opus is a collection of musical work in the order in which it was composed. What does the symphony or opus of your life sound like? What do others hear as a result of being with you? In the movie, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Richard Dryfus reluctantly becomes a teacher so that he can really work on writing music which is his passion. He hated teaching school, but made a choice one day to fill the students not only with head knowledge, but to give them a compass in life. He became an impact person in the lives of many. After teaching for 30 years, all he had hoped for in the writing of his opus had failed. Everything he had planned didn’t come true. And God used this human failure to bring more success and triumph that he had ever dreamed. His opus and legacy were lives that had been impacted because he cared enough to be a compass in their young life. One former student remarked at a surprise tribute to him before an auditorium filled with former students, “Mr. Holland has had a profound impact on my life. He isn’t rich and he isn’t famous, and he may consider his life a failure. I believe that he has achieved success far beyond riches and fame. Each one of us is a better person because of you. Mr. Holland, look around. We are the melody and notes of your opus. And we are the music of your life.” What would the opus of your life sound like to others?
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil-this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Ecclesiastes 3:11-14
A pearl to string: A new year is like a giant Monday in my life: A fresh start, a new beginning, a chance to let go of the past and build to the future. As I think about my opus, not through my eyes but through God’s eyes the words of 2 Corinthians 5:21 flow threw the heart of me: "For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God's goodness into us!" As grateful tears well up in my eyes my thoughts turn to the goodness of God. How glorious He is, how magnificent, how utterly radiant His love for us was, is and will be.
Thank you Father God for your goodness – it’s what makes my life shine.
You are my inner glow,
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