Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The history of the word "worry" is rooted from an old English word "wyrgan" which means to strangle.

When you have consistent mental uneasiness feeling anxious and distressed about something going on in your life, you will begin to feel smothered. You feel like you're losing your breath. The concern and fears begin to suffocate you squeezing out all of your joy, peace and faith. You may feel cut off from solutions, mercy and strength as the enemy strangles you with fear. The habit of worrying is something I have wrestled with for many years. I felt responsible for the care and choices of others in my family. I worried about money and health. I worried about the future of my children. I began to realize that worrying did not solve anything. It never helped the situation. It only hurt me because I lost sleep, ate and shopped impulsively, smothered my faith, tried to rescue other people and suppressed my anger and feelings of inadequacy.

Getting older and wiser is a good thing! But why can't we learn these lessons earlier? The good news is that you can. You can watch, listen and learn from others. Or you can wait to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Then you will learn to let go and let God. You will learn to breathe again and not allow the enemy to place His hands around your neck choking you with fear, procrastination, worry, stomach aches, headaches, high blood pressure and heart attacks. You will learn that if you pray...don't worry and if you worry...don't pray.

You will learn to get up and take action rather than worry, weep, wait, whine and wish things were better.

A pearl to string: Everything is in divine order. Whatever or whoever is stealing your joy and peace today, take back your power and don't delay. God broke your years into hours and days so that hour by hour, and day by day you might be able to grow along the way. If all the weight of life were laid across your shoulders and you had to meet struggle and tribulations face to face in just one place, all at one time, you could not bear it. Your feet would stop, your back would strain, the enemy would win and you would give up. So instead, God lays a little on you at a time. You can make it. You are stronger than you think. I pray that your burdens will never be so deep or your path so steep, that you can't go on. You only need to bear the burdens of this hour. Trust God ... breathe ... pray... Release... relax... focus and take the necessary action for THIS hour.
"Cast all your cares upon Him, for HE cares for you." ~1 Peter 5:7

You are His treasure,

Mustard Seeds

While I work at my desk I pour a few mustard seeds onto the counter top to remind myself how small my faith is. God’s ubiquitous company calms me when I turn my focus to His ways. In my worst moments, a seemingly far-fetched or ridiculous-sounding positive thought, word, or action can act as a seed of faith that will spark a healing process. While meditating on God's Word, praying, and in daring to quote His promises for healing, my faith just grows, and His peace that passes all human understanding is a gift of that dedicated time.

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." — Hebrews 11:1

I read recently that positive thinking is depending on your ‘self’ power. This of course would be counterproductive in the Christian faith. Respectively I view it differently: To think positively is like carrying a weapon of mass destruction in kingdom living. My goodness, there are mornings I wake up with ugly negative thoughts on my mind. I don’t know how they got there I was sleeping. I have to push them away with positive thought or I can’t go on with my day in a loving, giving manner.

A pearl to string: I see faith and positive thinking as a key to maintaining health on both a physical and mental level. But really faith and positive thinking is absolutely invaluable to me in maintaining an atmosphere in which I can grow spiritually. Making a conscious effort to halt negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones is healing. By living a moment-to-moment life of thanksgiving, instead of one filled with worry and anticipation about the coming day or week, your faith becomes the seed from which good things can grow.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

That’s it – that says to me: ‘Don’t let the dogs eat your mustard seeds!

Push out those negative thoughts and live positively

You are loved,

Salty, Shiny, Sheep

By Luann Prater

The world fills us with false descriptions of what we should strive to become. An entrepreneur like Bill Gates, a gardener like Martha Stewart, and you know some have stood in front of the mirror dreaming of becoming the next American Idol!

Being raised in the 70s, I always wanted to be the girl on the commercial who sang, "I can bring home the bacon; fry it up in a pan; and never ever let you forget you're a man; 'cause I'm a WOMAN!" What a lofty goal...ugh and tiring! We wear ourselves out trying to fit the image that satan has painted.

Need a different image to conform to?
How about salty, shiny, sheep?

Let's take a look at how Jesus described us. We are salt. Do you know that salt is used in greater quantities and for more applications than any other mineral? It has more than 14,000 known uses! Every living creature requires salt for life and health. Salt can soften hard water, remove impurities; preserve and cure foods; tan hides and it's even been used to seed clouds to produce rain. When Jesus refers to us as salt he means that we are essential to every living creature. We have thousands of uses in His hands. We can help soften, heal, separate, remove impurities, fill, preserve, cure and even tan hides!

Jesus also tells us that we are to shine like stars in the universe. Have you looked up and seen the stars in the sky? They twinkle at us from the middle of extreme darkness. Likewise, our world is often dark and we are called to brighten up our spot with the light of God's truth and an attitude of grace.

Jesus also called us sheep. I can relate to this metaphor most of all. Whenever I do something brainless, I belt out a "baaa" sound. Like sheep, we wander off, we make the same mistakes again and again, and we mindlessly follow the crowd. Yet Jesus said when He speaks, we are able to recognize His voice -- just like a sheep obeying a shepherd.

A pearl to string: We’re always looking for a hero or a shero – somebody we can emulate and relate to – someone we can love, worship and adore – someone who will love us in spite of ourselves. Good News – I found that person – it’s Jesus!
Salty:"You are the salt of the earth." Matthew 5:13/NIV
Shiny:"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16/NIV
Sheep:"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." John 10:14/NIV

Jesus is for you!
Invite Him to come in and live in your heart,
Be Blessed,


Note: This is not intended to be a political article. Choice and freedom to follow ones belief is still something wonderful we enjoy in America. Spiritual things are always interesting to me and this lady, Hazel Straub, seems to have a gift of discernment for spiritual thoughts. Someone said they recently learned from a counselor that our thoughts are NOT truth. So I'm not posting this article by Miss Hazel as truth - I'm posting it because I find it very interesting. Hope you enjoy - Lyndi

By Hazel Straub, Fairbanks, Alaska, 9/15/08

"Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" Esther 4:13-14

Suddenly, Sarah Palin appeared on the national scene as John McCain's Vice Presidential choice. The country was baffled and said, "From where did she come? How could Alaska produce a viable candidate to be a heartbeat from being President of the USA?"

Alaska, the Forty-Ninth State is celebrating its Fiftieth Jubilee Year. In the Jubilee, the captives are set free and the land is returned to its ancestral owner. Alaska has been the Omega state but is now the Alpha state where things begin and end due to being on both sides of the International Dateline. God's plumb line has been placed on Alaska and the old corrupt system is being dismantled. The politicians who pandered to the tune set by the self serving oil companies are being exposed and brought into the light of justice. A new North wind is blowing through Alaska. Sarah Palin, an political outsider, became the Alaskan governor because she knew how to gain the favor of the King of Kings, by seeking to please him. An election for the new president was soon coming and although the cry for someone who would honor life, had gone up to heaven, it appeared that the choice was the old guard. Where was God's choice? Then suddenly on the eve of the Republican National Convention, John McCain announced Governor Sarah Palin was his choice for Vice President. Suddenly the emphasis was on the prospective Vice President rather than President.

Sarah (princess with the breath of God in her name) Palin, age 44 (double doors for Jesus our creator to walk through) was announced as the countries' new Vice President of the USA, on the 88th (double new beginnings or a new cycle) year of the right of women to vote. Additionally, Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion, had said that America had a cycle of seven years of war that ended on 9-11-08. We have come into a new cycle that starts on the eighth year. Governor Palin will be the 44th Vice President. Alaska is the gateway for the Ancient of Days to come into the USA.

Sarah has been called a modern day Esther. Esther was a young woman who rose from obscurity to win a beauty contest and become queen to the Persian king who ruled from India to Ethiopia. The desire of Esther was to please the king and this gave her favor. Although Esther was Jewish and known as Hadassah (myrtle--"sweetness," an evergreen tree that is prized for its fragrant leaves with a scent more exquisite than a rose and medicinal berries) she took the Persian name of Esther (star). During her reign, there was much palace intrigue and a man named Haman (magnificent), the highest prince in Persia, conspired through a plot to kill all the Jews in the empire. Esther lived a privileged luxurious life in the palace but when she learned of the plot, she decided to risk her life for her people. She and her maidens and all the Jews in her city fasted and prayed for three days. She had not been summoned to see the king for quite some time. She faced death, as she boldly went into the king's presence without an invitation. Only the favor of the king with the extension of his scepter would spare her life. God granted her favor and the king extended his royal scepter to her. Within two days, Haman was no longer in favor and the tide of public opinion granted favor to the Jews. The Jews lived and triumphed over their enemies. Esther, an orphan, rose to a position of power and favor with the king "for such a time as this."

But what does the story of Esther have to do with Sarah Palin today? Over fifty and one-half million unborn children have been aborted in the past 35 years in the United States of America. Their innocent blood has been crying out to God for justice because shedding of innocent blood pollutes the land and will result in a subsequent bloodbath for the inhabitants of the land. The American Civil War came after many African slaves were murdered or treated as refuse and their blood cried out for justice. The resulting Civil War divided families just as the slave families had been divided and many perished just as the slaves had. There has not been a war since this time in the USA that has caused as many untimely deaths and heartache as did the Civil War. We, as a country, are facing a bloodbath unless we reverse the culture of death in our country. Lou Engle has energized many youth through the Call movement and twenty-four hour prayer for a reversal of the verdict of death of our unborn children and future by the USA Supreme Court. The 2008 presidential election is crucial for changing the Supreme Court into a place of life rather than death. There is a need for three new justices on the court that will go with life.

Sarah Palin, the Alaskan Governor and Vice President candidate, is a former beauty queen contestant. She was runner up for the Miss Alaska pageant a number of years ago and was voted Miss Congeniality in the contest. She is a committed praying Christian since a young age and has lived a life of protecting the unborn. Recently, she gave birth to a Downs Syndrome child, although 90% of these children are aborted. Her seventeen year old daughter is pregnant and unmarried but decided to keep her baby rather than conveniently aborting it. The priority of Sarah is to please the King of Kings. When she was Wasilla mayor, she received personal prophecy from ministry students. They prophesied to her that she would go to Washington DC and would eventually occupy the White House. Sarah seeks the favor of the King, as she wages spiritual battle against the spirits of death and deception. We need to intercede for Sarah and her family to have the favor of God on their lives and a hedge of protection. A righteous king brings life to the people.

Sarah, on 9-10-08, returned to Alaska for the first time since her nomination. Fairbanks, the Golden Heart City, was her first stop. Her homecoming was broadcast on CNN for several hours. Immediately after the homecoming rally, a rainbow appeared at the end of the Fairbanks airport runway. God told Noah that he would put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant sign. The sun began to set, over Fairbanks and the bottom part of the rainbow appeared to be a pillar of fire. The hills to the west were flaming red in the setting sun. God promised that he would be with the Israelites as a pillar of fire by night. His fire casts out darkness!

God has raised Sarah Palin up for such a time as this. There is a battle to be fought on our knees, as we seek the heart the king. May the favor of the extended scepter be granted to Sarah and all who intercede! So be it LORD!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Sent by Robin McCartney

You say you will never forget where you were when
you heard the news On September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.

I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room
with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I
held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the
peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it
is OK..I am ready to go.'

I was with his wife when he called as she fed
breakfast to their children. I held her up as she
tried to understand his words and as she realized
he wasn't coming home that night.

I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a
woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been
knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said.
'Of course I will show you the way home - only
believe in Me now.'

I was at the base of the building with the Priest
ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He
heard my voice and answered.

I was on all four of those planes, in every seat,
with every prayer. I was with the crew as they
were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the
believers there, comforting and assuring them that their
faith has saved them.

I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , Afghanistan ..
I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news.
Did you sense Me?

I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew
every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me
for the first time on the 86th floor.

Some sought Me with their last breath.
Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the
smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take
my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
But, I was there.

I did not place you in the Tower that day. You
may not know why, but I do. However, if you were
there in that explosive moment in time, would you have
reached for Me?

Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey
for you. But someday your journey will end.. And I
will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may
be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are
'ready to go.'

I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.

Love God

Written by Stacey Randall

Prayer for a Sister in Christ Jesus

Sixty-six Days of Intercession for Gov. Sarah Palin according to Psalm 27

From August 29 through November 4

Pray for Sarah, husband Todd, sons Track, baby Trig, daughters Bristol, Willow, Piper

Pray for:
Singleness of Vision, Moral Clarity
Ps 27:1a - The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?

Fearlessness, Boldness
Ps 27:1b - The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?

Protection from Libel, Slander, Hatred, Persecution
Ps 27:2 - When [not "if"] evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Confidence in Christ, a Guarded Heart
Ps 27:3 - Though a host encamps against me, my heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident.

Priorities: Devotions, Rest, Balance
Ps 27:4 - One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to meditate in His temple.

Deliverance, Favor
Ps 27:5 - For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.

An Overcoming Spirit, a Higher Perspective
Ps 27:6 - And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me; And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

Direction, Wisdom, Surefootedness
Ps 27:7, 11 - Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice, and be gracious to me and answer me. . . . Teach me Thy way, O Lord and lead me in a level path because of my foes.

A Release of Faith, an Expectancy of Good,
Ps 27:13 - I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Strength, Courage, Endurance,
Ps 27:14 - Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage. Yes, wait for the Lord.

And let Your kingdom come and let Your will be done.

From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of Your enemies, to silence the foe and avenger. Psalm 8:2

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lip-aerobic II

I've always said men need to be challenged and women need to be encouraged. Women are challenged enough just living with one man and assorted children none of which came with a set of directions. No wonder we need the Lord.

Most of my days are spent in conversation with the male species all of whom wish to know how long this conversation is going to take or when will this ever end. Ah such sweet relief girlfriends bring to one another. It's a real blessing just to be in the same room with championship quality ‘lip-aerobic’ aficionados. I enjoy studying God’s Word with other women. It really helps to erase the guilt. I’m not the only one who hurts in life and I’m not the only one who fails either. Worshiping, laughing and just being putty together in the hands of an awe-inspiring Savior is so deeply refreshing to my soul. It’s like climbing into my daddy’s arms and getting a warm, comforting hug. Thank you Jesus - how loving you are.

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11

It’s not too late to join a small group, not to late to find you are not alone, not too late to be blessed, challenged and encouraged by the body of Christ. We were designed to share our lives, our joys, our burdens, and our grief. I like the laughing part the best. It’s like jogging on the inside and good medicine for the soul. Find a small group and while you are busy being a blessing you will be blessed.

Pearl to String: Precious Lord, you lead us gently and lovingly to new insights, new wisdom. You open our eyes and our hearts and our minds to understand what it is that You want us to be and to do. And we always think it should be more complicated; that we should have to believe three impossible things before breakfast in order to be Your servants, Your friends, Your children. But it's not complicated. It is simple, really. You want us to love one another. Why is it that we resist that so fiercely? Help us to "lay down" our lives, to "give up" our notions of self, so that we may truly "love one another" and so fulfill the law of Christ. In Jesus' name we ask. Amen.
Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 NKJV

Know you are loved,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Wrongway Riegels

It’s with great trepidation I welcome back football season. I won’t be able to touch the remote control without fear of losing a hand and the men in my life will go into their yearly transfixed state of mind. I am, however the perpetual cheerleader for the men in my life. No longer outfitted in those cute, tiny miniskirts but cheering on their teams as always. Go Get-em Fairview Knights, Rock On LSU Tigers, Stun-em Faith Christian Eagles, Go Buffs! Hit em high, hit em low, where they go? We don’t know! It will probably take me all week to come up with a cheer for next week end. I did come across a story I remember hearing about for years. It will be familiar to most of you.

On New Year's Day, 1929, Georgia Tech played the University of California in the Rose Bowl. In that game a man named Roy Riegels recovered a fumble for California. Somehow, he became confused and started running 65 yards in the wrong direction. One of his own teammates, Benny Lom, outdistanced him and downed him just before he scored for the opposing team. When California attempted to punt, Tech blocked the kick and scored a safety which was the ultimate margin of victory.

That strange play came in the first half, and everyone who was watching the game was asking the same question: "What will Coach Nibbs Price do with Roy Riegels in the second half?" The men filed off the field and went into the dressing room. They sat down on the benches and on the floor, all but Riegels. He put his blanket around his shoulders, sat down in a corner, put his face in his hands, and cried like a baby.

If you have played football, you know that a coach usually has a great deal to say to his team during half time. That day Coach Price was quiet. No doubt he was trying to decide what to do with Riegels. Then the timekeeper came in and announced that there were three minutes before playing time.

Coach Price looked at the team and said simply, "Men the same team that played the first half will start the second." The players got up and started out, all but Riegels. He did not budge. The coach looked back and called to him again; still he didn't move.

Coach Price went over to where Riegels sat and said, "Roy, didn't you hear me? The same team that played the first half will start the second." Then Roy Riegels looked up and his cheeks were wet with a strong man's tears.

"Coach," he said, "I can't do it to save my life. I've ruined you, I've ruined the University of California, I've ruined myself. I couldn't face that crowd in the stadium to save my life."

Then Coach Price reached out and put his hand on Riegel's shoulder and said to him: "Roy, get up and go on back; the game is only half over." And Roy Riegels went back, and those Tech men will tell you that they have never seen a man play football as Roy Riegels played that second half.

A pearl to string: Jesus offers us the chance to start anew - clean and fresh. No matter how badly we've blown it, no matter how many times we've failed, we can start over. Today is the day for a fresh start. Get back in the game! Your second half has just started.
“His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness”. Lamentations 3:22-23

The Lord is the Victor
You are loved,