Thursday, April 3, 2008

The ole Switch-A-Roo

Coach Wonderful calls me a competitor because I finish what I start no matter the cost of time or effort. I don’t think that’s competitive – God just made me that way. He probably made Pit Bulls right before me and it was residue or something. Sometimes that competitive thing can drive me crazy. For a woman who can barely breathe and walk at the same time just being in the game looks pretty thrilling. Seems to me winning grows a big head but losing grows character. Of course one does not want to be a character so winning most of the time is more balanced. Ok, women’s thoughts – who can make sense of them but sports fans and their changeable ways drive me to distraction. How cool is it when 80,000 fans go nuts over a great play but so cold when they boo the same player anytime they do not perform to perfection.

Sports figures drop like flies from grace because people are fickle. Fans are so willing to be loyal to the athlete who makes them feel good and fulfills their expectations, yet turn on that same person with a vengeance if all does not go well. It’s the ole switch-a-roo and it happened in the Bible too.

Remember when a great multitude of people in Jerusalem shouted joyously as Jesus rode into their city riding a donkey (Matthew 21:6-11)? Interesting isn’t it that just days later, probably some of those same people were in the crowd calling for Jesus’ crucifixion (27:20-23). One day they worshiped Him, but a few days later they didn’t want Him around anymore. They didn’t just want Him to go away they wanted to kill Him.

A pearl to string: The bible tells us that in the last days hearts will grow cold. (Matthew 24:4-14) So we need to stoke up the fires of our faith, be strong in the Lord and avoid being caught in the ole switch-a-roo. For it is infinitely wiser to converge with His will rather than compete with it.

May each of us be able to say: “He died for me so I can live for Him”.
You are so loved,

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