Monday, November 3, 2008

Message From Our Pastor

Tomorrow’s election is extremely important because there are so many critical issues at stake. Many of these issues are a matter of personal convictions and preference, but some fall into the category of the sacred. Sacred issues are those that are close to God’s heart. They are issues that leave no room for personal convictions or preferences.

No candidate is a perfect candidate, but I believe we should always vote for the ones who best support God’s heart.

Here are what I believe are the top three sacred issues to consider before heading off to the polling booths tomorrow:

Life is precious to God. He laid down his life so that we could live. We need leaders, therefore, who have a compassionate view of life from conception to death. From the unborn to the elderly, we need leaders who will fight for all those who are sick, oppressed, or underprivileged. We can’t pick and choose which lives are more important because all life is precious to God. Every life deserves to be loved, cared, respected, and valued. Vote for the candidates who have the broadest definition of what constitutes a life.

Human life began with the marital union between Adam and Eve- a man and a woman. God charged them with building the family of man. God wasn’t just after building numbers, but building a home where each member of the household would be loved, nurtured, protected and valued in radical ways. We need leaders, therefore, who support values and legislation designed to strengthen marriages between men and women and that protect the family.

God loves all the people of this word, but Israel is unquestionably a unique people and land from a Biblical perspective. It is the place of God’s eternal affection and the epicenter of Biblical events throughout history and beyond. We need leaders, therefore, who understand Israel’s Biblical significance and who will support her protection as God’s chosen people and chosen land. To be chosen by God is to be targeted by Satan, and no people and land has paid a higher price than Israel. Evil spiritual forces will continue to target Israel for extermination and we need leaders who understand this battle on a spiritual level.

Be informed! Take some time today to investigate the candidates. Leave your personal convictions and preferences out of the equation and make sure you vote for ones who best support God’s heart in these three sacred issues. Make your vote count.

One more thing to consider. I truly believe that it is critical to exercise our privilege to vote tomorrow. However, when the election results are in, it is also important to know that the candidates who are elected will be the ones God appointed for this hour in His-story.

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:1

Please vote for the men and women who will best represent God’s heart, but please don’t stress out if those candidates aren’t elected. God is in control and we should find peace and comfort in that truth. Whoever gets elected on Tuesday deserves our respect and support on Wednesday, for this too, is sacred to God.

Rabbi Gene
Cornerstone Church
Boulder, Colorado

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