Thursday, May 24, 2007

10-4-06 Don't Let Your Trust Rust

October 4, 2006

Don't Let Your Trust Rust

The call on the believers in Christ Jesus is to have the sort of trust that makes us prepared to put our entire lives into God's hands. Not an easy task in the fallen world we live. The story of a 19th century acrobat affords a great picture of this kind of trust.

Blondin was famous for his tightrope act 160 feet above Niagara Falls on a rope which was over a thousand feet long. In 1860 (if you are reading this it was before you were born) a Royal party from Britain saw Blondin cross the tightrope on stilts, and again blindfolded. After that he stopped halfway and cooked and ate an omelet. (How, pray tell, do you suppose he did that?) Next he wheeled a wheelbarrow from one side to the other, and returned with a sack of potatoes in it. Then Blondin approached the Royal party. He asked the Duke of Newcastle, "Do you believe I could take a man across the tightrope in this wheelbarrow?" "Yes, I do", said the Duke. "Hop in, then", replied Blondin. Well, the Duke declined Blondin's challenge. He might have believed Blondin could do it, but he wasn't about to trust him with his life.

God’s not looking for people who act or sound like a believer. God is looking for followers who will trust Him with their lives. And sometimes that feels like you are on a thousand foot long tightrope, a hundred and sixty feet in the air. But don’t let your trust rust – if you have faith let your affection reach up and get into that wheelbarrow when God challenges you: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him; and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

A pearl to String: Trust is the practical outworking of faith: it is when we trust God that we show that our faith in Him is real.

Never rusting in the Lord,

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