Sunday, May 27, 2007

4-11-07 Family Pewed

April 11, 2007


As we drove to Easter Sunday service we chatted about how dramatically the Easter attire has changed in three generations. I grew up in an era and a church where a young lady always wore an Easter bonnet, a pretty new dress and spanking new patent leather shoes with matching purse. Perhaps a new bracelet or necklace and the topper – white gloves. Guys wore suites, crisp white shirts with ties and a handkerchief properly place in their coat pocket. My brothers always got new shoes too.

Enter next generation. OK drop the white gloves, bonnet and handkerchief in the pocket. Our boys were never crazy about wearing a suit but it was a weekly thing for church so for Easter they would get a new suit – that was cool and our little angel would get a new pretty dress. Of course new shoes too – details and tradition are valued by me. Occasionally I’d add a bonnet for the angel and properly placed handkerchiefs for the boy’s pockets. Just for Easter – not too many complaints maybe a snarl or two. Eventually there was a mutiny of the males in our family and church attire slowly grew quite casual.

Enter next generation. Ok drop the suits, maybe no new clothes or shoes. Brush your teeth, hair (don’t use the same brush) wear clean clothes and use water when you shower.

It’s hard for an old romantic traditionalist to drop her genteel ways. In my heart was my Grandmother’s teaching: “When you visit the King’s home you don’t dress like a pauper”. Sunday will ever be special to me – it’s the day set aside to go to the house of the Lord. I always dress special for special occasions. However, that is my way and though I gave it the good ole college try it kind of fell by the wayside but what is important is that our family was always planted in the pews of a solidly serving, Bible-believing church each week. Our children will learn more about service, and will see more servants in action as parents stay consistent in church attendance. A church family will help pour biblical truths for living into the lives and hearts of our children. It’s a God designed place for your spiritual teaching to be reinforced. Hebrews 10:25: “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.” (The Message)

A Pearl to String: Romans 15:17-18 tells us that our service is something we can treasure in life—because anything good in our lives happens as a result of letting Jesus work in and through us. “Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done.” For Coach Wonderful and I there is nothing more consequential than watching our grown children reaching for the Lord in their lives and allowing Him to grow them up in their service for Him as they love, work and raise their families. Ok, if they dress real nice too that’s frosting for me. :D

Letting the reality of being in His presence put everything else in perspective,

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