Thursday, May 24, 2007

11-15-06 Mirror Mannequin

November 15, 2006

Mirror Mannequin
Who is that looking back at me?

Taken back by the person who lives in your mirror? It is really shocking to me how old that person is that lives in my mirror. How in the world did she get there? It wasn’t something I aspired to be when I was young. I don’t recall dreaming of being wrinkled, saggy, baggy and southbound? Well, why not? What on earth was wrong with my family? It’s great to be old. God rather liked it – it is His plan. You know if you are going to be a really cool old person you have to start when you are young. Can I tell you some of the remarkable things that happen when you grow older? Your friends are marvelous – you don’t compete with them you just love them, your life seems wonderful no matter what style it is, your family is so precious to you – they feel like the very breath you take and your walk with the Lord – oh my – I promise you there is no way you can imagine the wonder and the indescribable relationship that comes from a long walk. Very worth growing towards – start young!

Some more good news: You treat yourself with more kindness, with more respect, with more love and you are no longer in a big hurry for anything! What others think, express or how they may act inappropriately no longer has a hold on your heart, mind or emotions. And you like gray hair. Yes you will! It has these silver threads in it that sparkle. Proverbs tells us in verse 29 of the 20th chapter that ‘the glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old’. When you see a gray headed person glistening in the sun with a smile on their face, a laughter that delights, and a bounce in their step the finger inside your heart points their direction and you think in your mind: “when I get there I want to look just like that”! That’s the Holy Spirit dear hearts and He looks good inside any age person. String that pearl! There are many verses in the Word of God that describe the not so terrific elements of aging but my favorite verse the one I want to describe my forth quarter is Psalm 92:14 ‘They will still give fruit when they are old. They will be full of life and strength’. Like Coach Wonderful always says, ‘you don’t want to miss the kick off, and a well played game is a beautiful thing but the fourth quarter is crunch time’. I know so many people in their 70’s & 80’s who say it is their most productive and significant time of their life. The beauty of a long life is how that God enriched experienced life can bless those around them throughout that forth quarter. God is passionately interested in each of us personally and continually.

A pearl to string: My eyes sight may grow dim but the beauty in that is... I see no flaws in you. When you believe in Jesus that's how God see us.......
no flaws. Isn't it so very cool how life experiences mirror God's love?

Deliberately enjoy your days in Jesus,

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