Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Still in One Peace

"By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.” Psalm 42:8

Are you living in the midst of a storm? A storm that makes you feel powerless, or that maybe God has left you alone? Has the wind knocked you down and are the waters crashing around your life? Are you feeling oppressed by the world, by your family, by your friends, by your job, by your boss, by trying to please others, by trying to keep control of your relationships, by trying to keep control of your money and finances? Are you full of worry about the future or doubt about your abilities in life? Are you ill and crying out to God or feeling depressed and lonely?

If your contentment is based on your circumstances you will never find peace. If you are waiting for someone or something else to make you happy you will never find peace. If your life is on hold until you feel better or get well you will never find peace.

In King Henry VI Shakespeare poetically described internal contentment. A king is wandering in the country and meets two gamekeepers. He informs them that he is a king. One of them asks, “But, if thou be a king, where is thy crown?” He replies:

My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen; my crown is called content
A crown it is that seldom kings enjoy.

A pearl to string: As I look around I see those who are content in their daily life share God’s vision of eternity. Contentment is a soul sufficiency, a peace separate from your circumstances. From the book ‘Calm My Anxious Heart’ I found a lovely prescription for contentment by a lady missionary with great peace in her soul:

~Never allow yourself to complain about anything — not even the weather.
~Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
~Never compare your lot with another’s.
~Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
~Never dwell on tomorrow — remember that [tomorrow] is God’s, not ours.

“God is the blessed controller of all things, the king over all kings and the master of all masters.” 1 Timothy 6:15/Phillips

Knowing our eternal destiny keeps us Still in One Peace,
You are loved,

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