Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Can you see God smile?

Anxiety is worry over things which we cannot control and which we do not remove from our thoughts. Anxiety dominates and controls a passive mind and a troubled heart, filling both with doubt, fear, and dread. But, anxiety cannot be removed; it must be replaced. So I want to replace my own anxiety & yours over these troubled times with God’s smile.

I can see God smile in a sunrise. I can hear Him sing in the songs of the birds, I can hear Him breath in the roar of the ocean. I see God smile when you smile at me. I see God smile in children running and laughing and playing. When people are hurting physically and they persevere with a sweetness of spirit it’s a smile from God that inspires you.

God is smiling from a little girl’s heart somewhere across the sea. She’s a little first grade beauty who recently won a talent contest. Her story is told by her proud grandma:

Little Julia was reading the Easter Story from her Child's Picture Bible. She wanted to take her Bible to school the next day and read the story to her class. With her parents’ permission to do so she practiced diligently that evening.

The next morning she was off to school with Bible in hand. Julia’s reading of the Easter story was so beautiful and so well done that her teacher asked her to read to the parents and faculty as they met after school. It seems little Julia brought the Easter Story to life for all in attendance, and that is the high point of this story. "and a little child will lead them”. Can’t you just see God smile from this precious little one?

A pearl to string:
If we just stop, take a deep breath and look around we can see God smiling in a million different ways. Let those smiles wash over you and comfort you but realize His biggest smile came in the death and resurrection of Jesus. What God did for His creation was an eternal miracle of love. So remember, I will repeat it often, YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ARE NOT A MEASURE OF GOD’S LOVE – THE CROSS IS!

Let us celebrate His smile and His love
Happy Resurrection Sunday,

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