Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nope, No Room

If your heart be the Inn is there room for Jesus?

Kind of busy are ya?
Chestnuts roasting, scotch tape’s run out, and isn’t it a little late to be addressing those cards? Maybe you’re getting a head start on next year.
Tired – does that describe you?

How can you leave Jesus outside?
You have to make room for Jesus.

And that may be the issue for you this Christmas.
What will you do with this Son of God
who came to earth to find you?

Jesus is the One who trades a throne room for a stable,
and the praise of angels for human mockery.

This is the Creator who gives Himself on a cross!
The Bible gives us the only appropriate response:

"The life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God
who loved me and gave Himself for me." (Gal. 2:20)

You look at what Jesus did to pay for your sin on that cross,
and you say those life-changing words -
"For me."

Jesus is at YOUR door this Christmas.
Maybe He's been knocking for a long time.
Maybe He won't keep knocking much longer.

All your life - even the events of the last few months -
have been to prepare you for this crossroads
moment with Jesus your Savior.

Don't leave Him outside any longer.
Open the door this Christmas Day.
"Jesus, I cannot keep You out any longer.
Come on in. You can have my room... my life."
Amen and amen

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