Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The history of the word "worry" is rooted from an old English word "wyrgan" which means to strangle.

When you have consistent mental uneasiness feeling anxious and distressed about something going on in your life, you will begin to feel smothered. You feel like you're losing your breath. The concern and fears begin to suffocate you squeezing out all of your joy, peace and faith. You may feel cut off from solutions, mercy and strength as the enemy strangles you with fear. The habit of worrying is something I have wrestled with for many years. I felt responsible for the care and choices of others in my family. I worried about money and health. I worried about the future of my children. I began to realize that worrying did not solve anything. It never helped the situation. It only hurt me because I lost sleep, ate and shopped impulsively, smothered my faith, tried to rescue other people and suppressed my anger and feelings of inadequacy.

Getting older and wiser is a good thing! But why can't we learn these lessons earlier? The good news is that you can. You can watch, listen and learn from others. Or you can wait to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Then you will learn to let go and let God. You will learn to breathe again and not allow the enemy to place His hands around your neck choking you with fear, procrastination, worry, stomach aches, headaches, high blood pressure and heart attacks. You will learn that if you pray...don't worry and if you worry...don't pray.

You will learn to get up and take action rather than worry, weep, wait, whine and wish things were better.

A pearl to string: Everything is in divine order. Whatever or whoever is stealing your joy and peace today, take back your power and don't delay. God broke your years into hours and days so that hour by hour, and day by day you might be able to grow along the way. If all the weight of life were laid across your shoulders and you had to meet struggle and tribulations face to face in just one place, all at one time, you could not bear it. Your feet would stop, your back would strain, the enemy would win and you would give up. So instead, God lays a little on you at a time. You can make it. You are stronger than you think. I pray that your burdens will never be so deep or your path so steep, that you can't go on. You only need to bear the burdens of this hour. Trust God ... breathe ... pray... Release... relax... focus and take the necessary action for THIS hour.
"Cast all your cares upon Him, for HE cares for you." ~1 Peter 5:7

You are His treasure,

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