Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Salty, Shiny, Sheep

By Luann Prater

The world fills us with false descriptions of what we should strive to become. An entrepreneur like Bill Gates, a gardener like Martha Stewart, and you know some have stood in front of the mirror dreaming of becoming the next American Idol!

Being raised in the 70s, I always wanted to be the girl on the commercial who sang, "I can bring home the bacon; fry it up in a pan; and never ever let you forget you're a man; 'cause I'm a WOMAN!" What a lofty goal...ugh and tiring! We wear ourselves out trying to fit the image that satan has painted.

Need a different image to conform to?
How about salty, shiny, sheep?

Let's take a look at how Jesus described us. We are salt. Do you know that salt is used in greater quantities and for more applications than any other mineral? It has more than 14,000 known uses! Every living creature requires salt for life and health. Salt can soften hard water, remove impurities; preserve and cure foods; tan hides and it's even been used to seed clouds to produce rain. When Jesus refers to us as salt he means that we are essential to every living creature. We have thousands of uses in His hands. We can help soften, heal, separate, remove impurities, fill, preserve, cure and even tan hides!

Jesus also tells us that we are to shine like stars in the universe. Have you looked up and seen the stars in the sky? They twinkle at us from the middle of extreme darkness. Likewise, our world is often dark and we are called to brighten up our spot with the light of God's truth and an attitude of grace.

Jesus also called us sheep. I can relate to this metaphor most of all. Whenever I do something brainless, I belt out a "baaa" sound. Like sheep, we wander off, we make the same mistakes again and again, and we mindlessly follow the crowd. Yet Jesus said when He speaks, we are able to recognize His voice -- just like a sheep obeying a shepherd.

A pearl to string: We’re always looking for a hero or a shero – somebody we can emulate and relate to – someone we can love, worship and adore – someone who will love us in spite of ourselves. Good News – I found that person – it’s Jesus!
Salty:"You are the salt of the earth." Matthew 5:13/NIV
Shiny:"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16/NIV
Sheep:"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." John 10:14/NIV

Jesus is for you!
Invite Him to come in and live in your heart,
Be Blessed,

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