Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Do you hear what I hear?

Five Englishmen travelling across Europe in an Audi Quattro arrive at a border crossing.
The Customs agent stops them and says, "It's illegal to put five people in a Quattro."
"What do you mean it's illegal?" ask the Englishmen.
"Quattro means four," replies the border official.
"Quattro is just the name of the automobile," the Englishmen retort disbelievingly.
"Look at the papers: this car is designed to carry five persons."
"You can't pull that one on me," replies the Customs agent.
"Quattro means four. You have five people in your car and you are therefore breaking the law."
The Englishmen reply angrily, "You nut case! Call your supervisor over.  I want to speak to someone with more intelligence!"
"Sorry," responds the official, "he can't come. He's busy with two guys in a Fiat Uno." 

Life can be frustrating when you are dealing with people who do not make sense to you.  Because you believe differently does not give you the right to dishonor others. We don't all come from the same place in our thinking, in our reasoning or in our life experiences. We react and self talk more than we listen.  The tendency that seems to prevail judges others by their actions and words while we generously judge ourselves by our intentions. Our intentions however do not qualify any of us to judge the heart of another. 

Like the men caught on the stormy Sea of Galilee, have you ever been reeling in the waves of a storm desperately seeking Jesus help?  Then discover you are the storm? The squall of business? The fixer, the controller, the talker? Are Jesus’ words to the wind for you? “’Quiet!  Settle down!’” The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass.”(Mark 5:39The Message). 

A pearl to string: Too many people talk to impress and impose their point of view on another. They drain the life out of their audience and eventually become the old lonely person.  It's possible to actually spend a lot of time with people but unless you spend time listening, you can not know anybody.  A serious result of not listening is boredom for it is really the death of love. It seals people off from each other more than any other thing. 

Listening is the first step to successful communication and the secret component to close relationships.  Listening is an act of love, it is honoring, it refreshes the other person, and more encouraging than a thousand words.  

With a new year upon us it is the perfect time to hone our listening skills with intentionality.

In him we live and move and have our being, (Acts 17:28NIV)

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