Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Your Emotional Realm

Scary subject matter isn't it?  I've long  danced to the tune "why inject facts into this situation, that will just mess up a good emotional outburst".  Ever noticed how women can go from A to Z and men go from A to B.....what is up with that?  Coach Wonderful doesn't like me getting historical either. Good grief I only have two reaction it's either historical or hysterical. It is what it is or is it?

If any of us have been on planet earth more than three minutes then we have developed habit patterns in our emotional realm from the way we responded to the world around us. Some people burst into tears at any moment over anything and others almost never cry. Some are happy – happy – happy all the time and others never really “feel” happy. Some stay in an undercurrent of rage and, at the drop of a hat, can fly into anger and rage, which often seems shockingly ridiculous over something simple going wrong. In each of those cases, people have developed that habit pattern of reacting in their emotional realm to the things which have come their way in life.

One of the most powerful and sweetest gifts we have as Believers is the ability to forgive and how it affects our lives. Walking with an awareness that Jesus is living in me, empowers me to have my memories of my life up to this point, WITHOUT THE EMOTIONAL PAIN CONNECTED WITH THOSE MEMORIES. That would not be possible without forgiveness.

A pearl to string: People who live in emotional extremes have never learned how to control their emotions but instead let their emotions control them. I love how the Message states in Romans 12:15, we are to "Laugh with our friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down".  The only way I can do that is to allow myself to feel happiness and sadness with people when they are experiencing it. If I am continually all wrapped up in myself, and the way I feel, I can’t do that. Our emotions have been given to us by God because we are human beings. They are in our soul and help to make us who we are. It is good to have them. We can learn to control them instead of them controlling us.

Galatians 5:16 in the Amplified Bible says: “But I say walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).”

Leaning on Him,

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