Wednesday, September 22, 2010

For Better or Worse

Interesting that we each begin our marriage with vows..... one vow being for better or for worse..... Don't think the worse part would have been in there if God didn't know it was coming. That's why we vow not to let circumstances throw our love for one another out of sync. (that's better or worse) It just popped into my head that: “Too many couples marry for better or for worse, but not for good.”

If we stay right with the Lord - we'll stay right with our mate........ can't blame the circumstances.

If you blame the circumstances that would mean you could be tossed around by any old tidal wave....? Oh, no thank you. Phaaa leez! Who would want to live that way. I want to live like Jesus ...... strong and steady through all circumstances. Keeping my eye on my maker and my tongue of opinions wagless.

When things run amuck I have to look into my own heart to find out what's really going on. Usually for me it's self centeredness. I just want things to go my way. I'm concerned for others but there are times and situations that I don't think those others are concerned for me. I can get worked up and create a great emotional argument that someone else is at fault. Unfortunately that has been used before in Genisis 3:12 and it didn't work with God then and it won't work now.

Just the other day I got snared with my self centered way. Actually I felt unappreciated, rudely disregarded and it hurt....deep. As my lips quivered and my eyes filled with tears the pain in my heart grew rapidly. I was getting so worked up I couldn't sleep and was overcome with the injustice of it all. I handled the situation with God's grace BUT I allowed satan a foot on my emotional esteem and I was rapidly going down, down, down. I could see people coming over to my side in my mind's eye cuz I was right. What that person did was mean, mean, mean.

Well I popped over to FB to see who was still up at 1:30 in the morning and I was stopped like a deer in the headlights. Right there at the very top of the page God was holding a mirror up for me to see what I had posted to bless someone in need. God was telling me, "you're the one I had someone write this for. You didn't need it when you found it but you need it now".

Dan Snell to Lynne...Wow....once deliver.... ANOTHER Super Blog Post --- STONE. Loved it! Sharing it with our blended family audience.

A pearl to string: I read my own post and it showed me exactly what to do. I wrote my hurt in the sand and went to bed. When I awoke the winds of forgiveness had blow it away. I had blamed someone else but again - the problem was with me. Good news..... I have a beautiful Savior who died for my sin and loves me. I think you've got the same Savior........ now that's the bees knees

Remember you are loved,

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