Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bridegroom Awaits

I awoke this morning to read Marion Smith's devotional and can honestly say she took the words right out of my head. How did she do that?

Petra & Garry Scott were married July 31st.... Beautiful & fun.

We went to a wedding last week and all eyes were turned to the bride. She usually is the focal point of the entire ceremony, adorned in purest white .She was absolutely glowing with love, filled with anticipation, and enjoying the excitement of the wedding ceremony and the reception to come.

When it was time for her to walk down the aisle, all eyes were upon her. All but mine. For some reason I was drawn to look at the groom. My goodness, he had such a look of love upon his face! He was so absorbed with his future bride walking down that aisle, I believe his attention couldn’t have been deterred if it had to ! The devotion of his heart spoke through his eyes, which were transfixed upon his bride .He waited with confident expectation as she drew nearer and nearer to him, finally to take her rightful place beside him.

Jesus is a bridegroom, also. He is waiting for the “church," his “bride” to make all the necessary preparations to join him at the altar. He waits with great anticipation and enormous love in his heart as the church grows and gathers in number until the perfect time when we will be joined with Hm. I can just picture the love in His eyes and the joy in His heart when we (the Church) finally move down the aisle toward our rightful place beside Him.

Jesus has been patient as he waits for us to fulfil the great commission -- to take the gospel and spread it to all the world.
It may not be much longer before the “marriage of the bride” and the “wedding supper of the lamb”.(Rev.19:9) happens! What a time of rejoicing that will be!

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