Friday, April 9, 2010

A Mother's Whispered Prayer

This is a note a friend sent to me today. I asked her if I could share it knowing it might bless and encourage a praying mama somewhere. I hope it blesses you.

I would like to share with all of you my answer to a whisper prayer that came about in the most unusual way...

On Wed nite we were skyping with Jessica, she is at a huge cross roads in her study program and I as a mom could see the heaviness on her heart. As we listened to her explain her heart I in turned inward and whispered a prayer to GOD:
"Oh how I wish I could just hug her and pray with her"! I could see she needed her mom's touch or should I say I needed as a mom to touch and hold her. Well as we said our goodbyes on skype and did our family hug as her image faded from the computer screen my heart cried out for her to have peace.

The next day Ed and I would get up at 3:15am to head to Virginia for a Promise Keepers Conference. As the alarm went off, Ed hopped in the shower, I got on my knees and prayed for our Jessica (some things call for us to fall on our knees!) We headed to LAX and arrived in plenty of time to make our 6:00am flight. As we arrived to our gate we noticed something was stirring but we didn't know what until they announced someone has breached security so all flights are on hold and no one is getting through.

We watched as the TSA and police personal hunted the gate we were at looking for this person. Checking and questioning random people. Time kept slipping by...hour after hour. Frustrated and complaining things seemed chaotic...then all of the sudden they found the person on the plane next to our gate. We watched as they marched this young man off. Now we were set to go.....what I hadn't noticed is our connecting flight would be in Chicago. So as we arrived in Chicago we were told we missed our connecting flight and we would not leave until 9:00pm.

We had 4 1/2 hours!!! I called Jessica and told her she happened to be in the library, she hurried home hopped on the Ltrain and was on our way to see us!!!! Oh can I tell you as we saw her walk through the hall ways at the airport I ran and hugged her!!! Yes at that time I whispered to God as I held my daughter in my arms "Thank You Almighty GOD only YOU can turn a Frustrating bad situation into a answer of a whispered prayer!!!!"

Yes my GOD answered my whisper prayer in such a miracle fashion! We got to spend 2 hours with Jessica talking and then we got to pray for Jessica! She said "I kept my eyes open we are still in Chicago" we laughed and hugged and said our goodbyes! I cried tears of such joy to hold her and see GOD is truly a Miracle working GOD!!

So I am here to tell YOU today what is your Whisper Prayer?
GOD hears YOU and will answer in a way YOU least expect it!!
I am giving GOD all the Praise and Glory!! HE is AWESOME!!!


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