Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sandpaper People

People refuse 2 b default by ahmedgalal

I first heard the terminology ‘sandpaper people’ reading Girlfriends in God devotionals. The girlfriends are simply 3 extraordinary women who share the love of God daily. I read their devotionals every day and I share with you their interpretation of ‘sandpaper people’ mixed with mine.

I have more than a few friends going through their days trying to deal with ‘sandpaper people’. People, often times Christian people, who are unruly, meaning that they are frequently careless, out of line or over the top in their behavior. The word, "unruly" applies to soldiers who refuse to follow orders, insisting on doing things their own way. Sound familiar? It is the motto of every respectable sandpaper person. These people frequently are placed in positions of responsibility and have no idea of how to treat others with respect and love while administering their duties. If sandpaper people continue to offensively power trip their way through your day take heart. God has a plan.

A pearl to string: Looks like The Law of Power* goes into effect here: “You only have the power to change yourself. You can’t change another person. You must see yourself as the problem, not the other person. To see another person as the problem to be fixed is to give that person power over you and your well-being. Because you cannot change another person, You are out of control. The “REAL problem lies in how you are relating to the problem person. You are the one in pain, and only you have the power to fix it”. Study that statement it will eventually bless you.

Sandpaper people can definitely get on our last nerve, which is why God's plan for dealing with these difficult people includes setting aside part of our emotional energy to cover their faults and allow for their weaknesses. In other words, we must learn and choose to be patient. By the grace of the Holy Spirit you can take the grit out of sandpaper people.

"Live in peace with each other. And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone". 1 Thessalonians 5:13-14

May God bless you with wisdom for patience is wisdom’s gift.
Joy in Sonshine,

*from Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

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