Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wounded in the midst of joy

Our grandson #17 left hand corner

Have you ever been caught up in an exciting moment when out of the blue comes a blow that downs your spirit? Of course you have. It’s a rather common human experience. “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered”. (Hebrews 5:8, NLT) It’s also a common human experience to get lost in happy. Lost in the sense there are no thoughts of God or His love for you in what you are experiencing.

We’ve just returned home from a trip to New Orleans to be with our grandson TC. His team, the LSU Tiger’s, played victoriously to become college football’s 2007 National Champions. Wow! It was a tremendously electrifying and joy provoking fun time. Simultaneously it was a humbling experience knowing so many others had worked long and hard for the same title. How can any of us not thank God for these exciting moments in our lives? The ugly truth is many in that stadium having as much fun as we did forgot about God completely. Players, coaches, fans alike lost in happy! I’m sure that grieved the heart of God. Like so much of life there is always the flip side and there were also players, coaches and fans whose joy and thankful hearts gave praises to God.

About 20 years ago I saw a pattern developing in my life that made me very unhappy. In times of trouble I would run to the Lord for comfort and help. Yep, I did that real good but in the good times I didn’t see me being very thankful for all the rich blessings. The ugly truth is I was lost in happy. If you see it in your life it’s a great invitation from the Lord to DP. Drop and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you into a grateful heart for who Jesus is to you in good times and in those tough times. I prayed that and it changed my spiritual life.

Along with four other players our grandson started off his first bowl experience quarantined to his hotel room for a mystery illness. Many of you prayed and all the sick ones got well rapidly. Thank you for your healing prayers. Then came the “wound in the midst of joy” for a group of players. The “what” isn’t as important as the “how” one responds. What a blessing it was for our family to be able to speak into the hurt with our grandson. The goal of our heavenly Father is to develop us; it would be naïve and unscriptural to think this would be done without suffering. The prayer I prayed so many years ago has kept me watchful for the pearls God gives us through our suffering, just as He did in the life of His Son. The good news is that we don’t have to be nailed to a cross; Jesus did that for us.

A pearl to string: You cannot control what other people say or do. So when you are wounded in the midst of joy you only have the power, with the grace of God, to choose your action. Do not allow satan to steal your joy. "Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life." (John 3:6, NLT)

Giving great thanks to the Lord,
Geaux Tigers, by the grace of God in your hard work and dedication
You are the Champions!

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