Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I see erosion of God's Word everywhere.  I see it in people I love, trust and admire.  It's scary to watch.  I'm not talking about evil people... I'm talking about loving people.  People who have a kind heart and care about their fellow man. It's a truth trickle.  Just a little bit of God's Word is discarded and replaced with man's truth. Coach Wonderful calls that cherry picking the Bible - choosing what makes sense to you. The soul can wither with man's compassion for it is only for the season in which he lives.  I know it could happen to me.  I know I could easily be swayed into the world's system of thinking.  So often it seems so right. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.  (Proverbs 13:12)  

I've developed a little test for me. It scares me to think I could fall so easily. If I think something is right and I have not lined it up to the Word of God then I'm wrong!  I need to "Search for the LORD and for HIS strength; continually seek him". (Psalm 105:4) God is my strength: "O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God". (Psalm 59:17) 

If I am reading God's Word everyday then I can live the biblical principles Christ taught:

You have to plant to reap; that is the seedtime harvest principle
You have to serve to lead; that is the Golden Rule.
You have to lose to win; that is God’s game strategy.
You have to give to get; that is God’s investment portfolio.
You have to die to live; that is God’s life insurance policy.
You have to wait to advance; that is God’s proficiency exam.
You have to be last to be first; that is God’s promotion plan.

You have to believe in what you cannot see, in order to see what others cannot believe; that is God’s faith test. (credit: Pastor Dana Gammill, Canton, Ohio)

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) 

A pearl to string: I've discovered that if I slack off or skip reading God's Word because life gets so busy and full it becomes easier not to study.  When I fail to study I fail to seek.  When I fail to seek I fail to find.  When I fail to find I falter to follow and find myself leading the way which makes me fodder for sin's snares. My only hope in growing in love with Jesus is to be in His Word to walk with Him and talk with Him daily.  It's easy to say you love someone but to actually love them will cost you something.  It cost Jesus his life... that's how much He love you and me.‎

"Busyness in the Kingdom does not make up for neglect of the King."
Don't ever forget how much you are loved

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