Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy, busy, been.....

"We are all busy, and it seems like between work, end of the school year and extracurricular activities, and all of the other commitments we try and cram into each day, we are only getting busier. Our busy lifestyles have shocked our diets, forcing us to grab whatever is easy for a quick meal.  The result of eating on the run is a poor diet that is making us sick. The average American's diet is made up of over-processed, high-fat, high-sugar and chemical laden foods. These foods are modifying the balance of our intestinal flora, which is vital to proper digestion, while protecting us from cancers and helping us absorb needed vitamins. Just changing your diet to eliminate fast food and processed food can help protect your body's gut flora" 

That's part of a message that arrived in my email on health.  It made me want to ask what about our soul flora?  Do we have soul flora? I googled it.  Not happening so I'm inventing it now. Our busy lifestyles are wrecking havoc with our soul flora too. Going to church on Sunday, being a good person, leading a moral life just doesn't cut it.  Why because we live in a fallen world. How do you even know what's right?  Right and wrong is constantly changing ..... in God's Word (Bible) you find God's truth not man's truth.  It is God's truth that will renew your mind and give your soul flora the strength to understand and fend off evil in these dark days. 

A pearl to string: There are many different symbols used to describe the Bible. In Psalm 119 it is the Light and the Way, in Jeremiah it is a Fire and a Hammer, in Ecclesiastes it is a Nail and a Goad, in Deuteronomy it is Food, in Luke it the Seed,  in Ephesians it is our Sword and in Psalm 91 it is our Shield of protection.  God has blessed us with His Word. It is our shield of protection throughout this life and for eternity.  

His Word will bless you, guide you, and will never fail you. Trust Him and His Word.
And know you are loved,

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.  -- Psalm 5:11

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