Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Christmas

December 25–Christmas Day–has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870.

Thousands of people know that holidays like Christmas and Easter  have pagan origins, but we don't hear of the holidays being celebrated in pagan fashion like days of old.  It is kind of creepy knowing that though. ewe! For whatever reason the church leaders had for choosing the dates they are the dates we celebrate.  Christmas... Merry Christmas. Say that in public a few times these days and watch heads spin. Christmas is obnoxious to some because it represents the combination of two words, "Christ" and "mass." The word means "the mass of Christ."  But what does "mass" really mean in the compound word Christmas? The dictionary reveals that the English term mass evolved from the Anglo-Saxon word maesse, which derived in turn from the Latin missa, which is a form of the verb mittere, which means "to send." Consequently, the root meaning of Christ-mass is "to send Christ," or "Christ is sent."  There is nothing inherently obnoxious in the name Christmas. The term accurately represents what the holiday is all about--the sending of Christ.

In doing that little word study I discovered another thing that sets my teeth on edge like fingernails scratching a black board. Xmas!?! The abbreviation Xmas takes Christ out of Christmas right? That's what I thought. Certainly some who use the abbreviation may do so for that very reason. But the abbreviation did not originate either to take Christ out of Christmas or as an "irreverent modern substitute for Christmas."  The X in Xmas did not originate as our English alphabet's X but as the symbol X in the Greek alphabet, called Chi, with a hard ch. The Greek Chi or X is the first letter in the Greek word Christos. Studies reveal that as early as the first century the X was used as Christ's initial. Certainly through church history we can trace this usage. In many manuscripts of the New Testament, X abbreviates Christos (Xristos). In ancient Christian art X and XR (Chi Ro--the first two letters in Greek of Christos abbreviate his name. This practice entered the Old English language as early as AD 100.  

A pearl to string:. God planned and executed the first Christmas. No matter how flagrantly men may abuse this holiday, they cannot rob devout believers of its wonder and glory as expressed by the angel of old, "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:10, 11).  

Christ IS sent...
Because God loves you
Merry Christmas my friends
I love you too

Enjoy this fun song: Christmas With A Capital C

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