Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The God Life

Ah the promises of Christianityhood: "lead the God life and you'll lead the good life". Really?  What does that mean?  You'll have money in the bank? a great job? all your dreams will come true?  Goodness which Hollywood movie have you been watching? 

"Look at Jesus. Mark’s Gospel tells us, “The Spirit drove him out into the wilderness.” Jesus hadn’t sinned. He was right with God and full of the Holy Spirit, yet He faced 40 uncomfortable, lonely days in the desert undergoing intense temptation.  Sometimes we find ourselves in a desert because of our own sin, but that’s not always the case. Like Jesus, we may enter a dry, difficult time so that God’s good purposes can be fulfilled. Don’t get discouraged. Even though He may seem a million miles away, He’s with you. The next time you experience the desert, remember this: You’re only following the footsteps of our Savior".
A pearl to string: Growing up in California we didn't have a lot of snow.... well once... when I was in nursery school.... we had a dusting in Santa Monica. Fortunately my grandmother lived in Oklahoma.  They had snow there. Oh what fun that was to visit Gram. My cousins and I use to play this game in the fresh fallen snow. My older cousin Terry would walk across a snowy field leaving his big ole footprints.  The rest of us had to place our feet exactly into cousin Terry's  footprints without disturbing any of the surrounding snow. Very hard to do when you are giggling and laughing and you have short legs. The one who followed the footprints most exactly was the winner.
A funny thing about that childhood game -- it really was a special lesson in following Jesus: when following the steps of my cousin exactly, my feet didn't get cold because he had packed down the snow. If I messed up my steps, I got snow down my boots and I had cold feet.  We only get "cold feet" in our adult life following Jesus when we get out of step with Him. If we follow directly in His steps, we are protected and strengthened no matter where the next step will lead us.  Jesus says: "Follow in My footsteps" (Mt 16:24).

You are safe in His steps,
You are loved

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