Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chameleon Cleaning

camouflage by Evangeline Than

Have you ever hidden your mess when company is coming?
Oh yeah – it’s a classic at our house.
Chameleon cleaning: pile it in a corner, throw an attractive blanket over the pile, add a pretty tray and a lovely vase with magnificent flowers. Now our mess blends in with the décor.

Of course everyone sees it. Not fooling anyone. It just looks better to me than the mess without the camouflage. What I sometime do in the physical seems to reveal what I do in the emotional realm also. I push pain or things I do not want to deal with into a corner. Put up a smokescreen and cover up the distress or agony I don’t want you to see. Do you ever do that?

Of course people close to you can see your pain in your countenance. Not really fooling anyone. Everyone has pain in their life. Many suffer life altering experiences that I cannot even imagine the cumulative difficulties they go through. But nothing in this entire world, including my heart or your heart, is hidden from God. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight”. (Hebrews 4:13) Our very thoughts are known to Him, and they are not even a surprise. God doesn’t say, “Hmmmm, imagine that, what was she thinking”….or, “Gee, look what he just did!” No nothing we do is news to the Lord.

A pearl to string: In the first six verses of Psalm 139 we can clearly see that God knows us inside out, through and through. Everything we do, every thought that goes through our mind, every step we take, every plan we make, every word we speak, He knows them before they ever happen. God knows what is behind us and before us. And, He loves us anyway. And furthermore He is ever ready to bless us. We don’t have to hide or cover up – we only need to let go and let God. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in Jesus all encompassing love.
"And I will bless you... and you will be a blessing." Genesis 12:2.

In Sonshine and joy
You are loved,

Wow, nine represents the Holy Spirit;
this is going to be a very, very, very good day.

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