Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hugs from Heaven

Sunday at church I turned to greet the person behind me. The nice young man proceeded to share with me how he had for some time wanted to tell me that his wife was really blessed by my devotionals. He told me that they really helped her through some very difficult times. His beautiful wife went into the waiting arms of Jesus this past December. I thought of that precious young mom all afternoon and a myriad of other beautiful friends that have gone to be with Jesus. How deeply we miss them and how difficult it is for their loved ones to walk this journey of grief.

Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 had to be written for such a time as this “The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

We do long to comfort one another. Our world is just coming at each one of us so fast. An interesting thing becomes visible in the depth of loss. I’ve observed an incredible beauty as sorrow winds down the path of life. Everything seems to slow down. Do you suppose that is a gift from God? Our grieving time is a time to reach up, a time to be blessed by our Father’s heart. It gives us time to gather the essence of our loved ones into our hearts and give thanks for what they gave to us. Like the Ray Boltz song, Thank You ‘for giving to the Lord I am a life that was changed’.

A pearl to string: You are the body of Christ, no matter how small you might feel, no matter how limited you might feel – you are a blessing to others. You are valuable beyond measure. Yes, YOU! Your smile alone shows God’s love to a stranger. You make a difference in many lives. And the people who know and love you thank God for you.

That dear young father and husband who is fighting his way through grief brought me a hug from heaven. I am so thankful and blessed.

"The dawn and the sunset shout for joy".
Psalm 65:8/TLB

Know you are dearly loved,

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