May you walk in Son shine and be encouraged through the trials of life as a wife, mother and woman of faith. May laughter fill your days, courage strengthen your soul and His love light your way. May God be ever present and invited into your journey. May I refresh your spirit and cause your heart to smile.
Looking back to my eighteenth year of life when I first fell in love with my Coach Wonderful it is difficult to admit but I was dumber than a box of rocks when it came to love and relationships. I thought all there was to love was feeling it inside my heart. Once that happens a person should get married and live happily ever after. I know, I know, that’s enough to gag a rhinoceros but that was the extent of my wisdom back then. Imagine my surprise to the realities of life.
I had been in love for months and thought I’d been very patient through that protracted period of dating with no talk of marriage. The irresistible necessity to give hints welled up inside me. One night while ordering a meal at a Chinese restaurant as Coach Wonderful perused the menu, he casually asked me, "So. . . How do you like your rice? Boiled? Or fried?" Without missing a beat, I peered over my menu at him and replied pithily, "Thrown." Well that went right over his head! I found I had to be more explicit with my hints. “So, how many children would you like to have?” When he said four I knew it was a match made in heaven – I wanted four! I mean really what more does a person need to know? I loved him and he wanted four children the same as me! Oh, and by the way, the first time we held hands through an evening vespers service his hands didn’t sweat! I was a sucker for dry hands. There’s a really valuable measuring stick for marriage. Scary to think we started a life together based on little else. We needed a Savior!
After a whole year of dating we were wed on the 29th day of December 47 years ago in the sweet little village of Hartsdale, NY. Across from the canine cemetery (somehow that would be prophetic) stood a quaint old church where we participated in a miracle. It would be several decades before we would comprehend the size of the miracle needed to hold two people together, much less become one. Weddings are a dime a dozen. (That's just an old expression not the cost) I've got two brothers that have had seven weddings between them. So anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. In the early going the 'my way’ thing and being a ‘right’ fighter turns into the battle of the egotists and it's an I for an I. Through the struggles and the joys, the hurts and the healings, and the tug a wars and the victories we learned marriage prepares you to serve the Lord. You can’t grow a marriage without dieing to yourself and your ways nor can you serve the Lord.
Where God resides He provides and guides.
The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (Isaiah 58:11)
A pearl to string and the secret to a long marriage: If you wait for a person, or an event or a provision you will grow weary and hopeless if it is a long process But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31, KJ)
If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, you can bet the water bill is higher.
Dying to yourself is like a God directed prescribed burn. It clears out the underbrush of self and improves the hungering and thirsting of your soul while strengthening temptation deliverance and seriously reducing the noxious weeds of daily life. It never gets easier to die to yourself and there always seems to be another deeper layer of pride in me that needs to die. I am amazed at what the Lord has done in our lives together. We are God's miracle. To pledge your life to another is indeed an act of faith that requires belief in miracles.
Happy Anniversary my love Swinging on the vine of life, Lyndi
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. (Romans 5:5, NIV)
Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened . . .
(Luke 2:15)
Traveling back in time and finding it’s not as pretty as it is in the movies or on Christmas cards.
Did you know that caves where shepherds kept their flock in winter are not clean? Whew, one whiff of that stench is enough to gag a rhinoceros. I’m a city girl, I like clean animals.
Mary, how did you do it?
The trip from the village of Nazareth in Galilee to the town of Bethlehem in Judea is about 65 miles. On a donkey? While you are in labor? Have mercy! The town of Bethlehem was bulging with people in for the big census taking. It was dreary, noisy – really rowdy – and sold out. “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Luke 9:58) I can’t even imagine the feelings inside Joseph as every effort to find comfort for his wife and his any minute child failed. People were ugly and unsympathetic. At this point Mary was obviously in the latter stages of labor. Joseph was directed to the caves behind the Inn as a last resort. It was a long enough trek for the donkey – he headed straight for the manger for a drink of water right where our Savior would first lay His head.
(A manger in Bethlehem)
Of course Joseph would do everything possible to make Mary comfortable but what did he know about birthing babies – he was a carpenter. He distributed the hay and snatched a blanket from the donkey to create a somewhat clean place for Mary. She probably had a small bag of salt to rub on her new baby’s skin preventing infection, some yarn to tie off the umbilical cord, a piece of sharp slate to cut it, and strips of cloth to swaddle her baby in. She was only fourteen but God was her guide. Jesus probably looked quite ordinary to Mary & Joseph in that first extraordinary parent vision. Ten fingers, ten toes, a thatch of black hair, skinny little legs and arms and the wizened face of a newborn who had dwelt in water for nine long months. To them He was the most beautiful baby on earth. God gave them the ordinary human experience but the Shekinah glory came upon them as angels and shepherds appeared and wise men gathered bearing gifts.
A pearl to string: "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2:11-14)
A birth like no other – let your hearts be swaddled in His love for eternity.
Merry Christmas
Oh it’s that time of year where the Martha work crescendo is about to culminate at the feet of Jesus. Move over Mary. Christmas is a beautiful Holy-day and it is jointly celebrated with a holiday for families by the same name but we don’t call it Christmas Christmas. Even Christians can get a little confused. The hustle bustle of the holiday part of Christmas is a love story gone askew. We get all bunched up trying to create a beautiful place to celebrate making sure there are gifts for all, and scrumptious food prepared for family and friends. There are parties to attend and cards to send to wish far away loved ones well. There are cookies to bake, lights to string, trees to trim, popcorn to pop, mistletoe to hang, and shop, shop, shop, wrap, wrap, wrap and smile, smile, smile. . Our hearts want to reach out to others with food, clothing, prayer, acts of kindness, love and we want to sing, sing, sing. The list of “to do’s” can sometimes seems endless.
Years ago when fresh 6’ Christmas trees were still $14.99 at Frank’s nursery in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we set out to choose the perfect tree. Young, though the family was, we had six very strong oppositional opinions eagerly expressing there views simultaneously. To the outside ear it may have appeared this family was argumentative. Ok, they were right. The lively dialog continued all the way home and until the tree was completely decorated. We all sat back to admire the work of art. I think God must have kicked the tree over. We watched in horror as the Christmas tree crashed to the ground and the pretty blue and gold ornaments smashed to smithereens while the strings of cranberries and pop-corn and glittery tinsel flew all over the room. The silence expressed our disgrace. Where did we loose Christmas? Coach Wonderful began to read Luke chapter 2. Listening to the Christmas story my heart grew heavy with sorrow for how I steered our family astray. God sent His Son into this world as a baby, dependent on human kind. To believe in Jesus is to take His love every where we go – for others to see His love in everything thing we do – Sometimes I get a busy momentum going and I go sideways from the Lord. Whenever that takes place Lord – PLEASE – kick over my tree. And Mary – move over I want to sit at Jesus feet and listen too.
A pearl to string:And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2:8-14)
The tiny Baby in the manger is the mighty Creator of the universeHappy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas
CONFABULATE. It’s a real word! It came in my email this morning for my word of the day. It means to chat, confer or fill in gaps in memory by fabrication. Hummm, I seem to do a lot of confabulating these days. It’s not done to be intentionally deceptive. It’s more like when I was a kid I had to do something with the holes in the picture I was drawing. I loved to fill those holes with pretty blue sky. So when I confabulate it’s just a little pretty blue sky for the holes in my memory.
It’s that time of year when my memory goes dancing. Christmas time is such a lovely, fun time of the year. The memories of yesteryear hold joy and plenty of blue sky. These days controversy swirls everywhere. Instead of singing we’re arguing, instead of giving we’re complaining, instead of honoring we’re dismantling - all in the name of diversity? Yikes, makes a body want to just go home, close the doors, keep the TV off, turn the phone off and pull out the boxes of stored Christmas decorations. I love to decorate our home when it’s cold outside – snowing is the best time. I light the logs in the fireplace, turn on the Christmas music and brew some cinnamon tea. Sipping and humming I ponder the wonder of how God trimmed our world with the sun and the moon and all the twinkling stars to light our way and bring us warmth and joy. All the shimmering lights that are strung around the houses, in the trees, on the boughs and intertwined in wreaths reflect His handiwork to me. God colored our world with four uniquely different seasons and all His creation reaches up to Him in praise with every branch and leaf turned towards the sun. How beautifully He ornamented our lives with animals to love and care for and people to figure out and be in relationships that reflect His character. It is in giving that we receive. Love is not a “feeling” – love is an action.
The Scriptures say, "God commanded light to shine in the dark." Now God is shining in our hearts to let you know that his glory is seen in Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)
A pearl to string: Love is our Father’s character and He gave each one of us a heart to hold Him and seek Him then sent us the Christ child to believe upon to keep us united with Him for all eternity. Now that is an action that I can celebrate. That’s no holiday – that’s Christ’s Mass – A celebration of God’s love, His communion with His people.
We are His, we came to sup with Him and be in His everlasting love,
Merry Christmas and pretty blue sky,
"There was once a small city with only a few people in it. And a powerful king came against it, surrounded it and built huge siegeworks against it. Now there lived in that city a man poor but wise, and he saved the city by his wisdom. But nobody remembered that poor man." Ecclesiastes 9:14-15
Disaster was averted and lives were spared. ..."But nobody remembered that poor man."
Wise words of counsel were given and heeded and lives were blessed innumerably. ..."But nobody remembered that poor man."
Could sadder words be spoken? I think not. ..."But nobody remembered that poor man."
This time of year, we naturally think of giving more so than we do in any other season. But the best thing you can give this season - or any season - isn't for sale. It comes freely, but it only comes deliberately - and because you can't touch it, it can never wear out. It's called "appreciation."
This season, as you give, give your heart. As you share presents of possessions, also share presents of your heart to encourage the spirit of others - tell them of your appreciation for them.
A pearl to string: Remember that poor man - and all the people like him. All the people God has sent your way to steered you away from destruction, time and again, all your life. Bless them today by remembering them. Your appreciation of their lives may very well be the best gift you can give. So give it often….. for it costs you little and those who receive it will be wealthy indeed.
“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?” 1 Thessalonians 3:9
Your words of appreciation and encouragement have greatly enriched my life. We all need to know we make a difference somewhere. Turn around and hug another soul because YOU make a difference and you are hug-a-licious!
Safe in His love Lyndi
Enjoy a peaceful moment with the Lord in the scenery and music.
He who . . . changes deep darkness into morning, who also darkens day into night. Amos 5:8
Looking out the window before dawn this morning I stared at the fresh fallen snow. It was as beautiful as a bride headed for church. Feeling the chill from the window pane I wrapped up and snuggled into a woolen blanket. Sipping on a steaming hot cup of coffee I gazed into the shadows of the unborn day while watching carefully as God “changed the deep darkness into morning.” It was as if the sun kissed the morning hello and all the earth blushed briefly with a pale orange thank you Father. Following an array of orangey pink hues the day shone bright and clear beneath a deep blue sky. I began to think how equally and incredibly beautiful it will be at the opposite end of this day as God “darkens day into night”. Can you imagine what it was like when God did this for the first time? His chill bumps must have been phenomenal as He watched it and said, “This is good.” God made two huge lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth—the larger one, the sun, to preside over the day and the smaller one, the moon, to preside through the night; he had also made the stars. And God set them in the sky to light the earth, and to preside over the day and night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God was pleased. Genesis 1:16–18 TLB
A pearl to string: Oh Lord how could anyone wonder if miracles still occur today? I guess most hearts picture the lame walking, the blind seeing yet to our wondering eyes each day has a ball of fire hanging in the sky, and another hanging ball that reflects the light of the big one, and billions of twinkling ones! Oh the splendor of Your creative touch. Each day is a miracle to rejoice in. "The dawn and the sunset shout for joy". Psalm 65:8 TLB
May this Thanksgiving be a time you dwell on your blessings. Taking time to reflect and know we are all Safe in the depth of His creation, Lyndi
Sandra felt as low as the heels of her shoes when she pulled open the florist shop door, against a November gust of wind. Her life had been as sweet as a spring breeze and then, in the fourth month of her second pregnancy, a "minor" automobile accident stole her joy. This was Thanksgiving week and the time she should have delivered their infant son. She grieved over their loss.
Troubles had multiplied. Her husband's company "threatened" to transfer his job to a new location. Her sister had called to say that she could not come on her long awaited holiday visit. What's worse, Sandra's friend suggested that Sandra's grief was a God-given path to maturity that would allow her to empathize with others who suffer.
"Had she lost a child? She has no idea what I'm feeling," thought Sandra with a shudder. "Thanksgiving? Thankful for what?" she wondered. "For a careless driver whose truck was hardly scratched when he rear-ended her? For an airbag that saved her life, but took her child's?"
"Good afternoon, can I help you?" Sandra was startled by the approach of the shop clerk.
"I.... I need an arrangement," stammered Sandra.
"For Thanksgiving?" Sandra nodded. Do you want the beautiful but ordinary, or would you like to challenge the day with a customer favorite I call the 'Thanksgiving Special'? I'm convinced that flowers tell stories," she continued. "Are you looking for something that conveys 'gratitude' this Thanksgiving?"
"Not exactly!" Sandra blurted out. "In the last five months, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong." Sandra regretted her outburst, and was surprised when the clerk said, "I have the perfect arrangement for you."
Then the bell on the door rang, and the clerk greeted the new customer, "Hi, Barbara... let me get your order." She excused herself and walked back to a small workroom, then quickly reappeared, carrying an arrangement of greenery, bows, and what appeared to be long-stemmed thorny roses. Except the ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped: there were no flowers.
"Do you want these in a box?" asked the clerk.
Sandra watched for the customer's response. Was this a joke? Who would want rose stems with no flowers! She waited for laughter, but neither woman laughed. "Yes, please," Barbara replied with an appreciative smile. "You'd think after three years of getting the special, I wouldn't be so moved by its significance, but I can feel it right here, all over again." She said, as she gently tapped her chest.
Sandra stammered, "That lady just left with, uh.... she left with no flowers!"
"That's right, said the clerk. "I cut off the flowers. That's the 'Special'. I call it the Thanksgiving Thorns Bouquet."
"Oh, come on! You can't tell me someone is willing to pay for that!" exclaimed Sandra.
"Barbara came into the shop three years ago, feeling much as you do, today," explained the clerk. "She thought she had very little to be thankful for. She had just lost her father to cancer; the family business was failing; her son had gotten into drugs; and she was facing major surgery."
"That same year I had lost my husband," continued the clerk. "For the first time in my life, I had to spend the holidays alone. I had no children, no husband, no family nearby, and too much debt to allow any travel."
"So what did you do?" asked Sandra.
"I learned to be thankful for thorns," answered the clerk quietly. "I've always thanked God for the good things in my life and I NEVER questioned Him why those GOOD things happened to me, but when the bad stuff hit, I cried out, "WHY? WHY Me?!" It took time for me to learn that the dark times are important to our faith! I have always enjoyed the 'flowers' of my life, but it took the thorns to show me the beauty of God's comfort! You know, the Bible says that God comforts us when we're afflicted, and from His consolation we learn to comfort others."
Sandra sucked in her breath, as she thought about the thought that her friend had tried to tell her. "I guess the truth is, I don't want comfort. I've lost a baby and I'm angry with God."
Just then someone else walked in the shop. "Hey, Phil!" the clerk greeted the balding, rotund man. "My wife sent me in to get our usual Thanksgiving arrangement... twelve thorny, long-stemmed stems!" laughed Phil as the clerk handed him a tissue wrapped arrangement from the refrigerator.
"Those are for your wife?" asked Sandra incredulously. "Do you mind telling me why she wants a bouquet that looks like that?"
"No... I'm glad you asked," Phil replied. "Four years ago, my wife and I nearly divorced. After forty years, we were in a real mess, but with the Lord's grace and guidance, we trudged through problem after problem. The Lord rescued our marriage. Jenny (the clerk) told me she kept a vase of rose stems to remind her of what she had learned from "thorny" times. That was good enough for me. I took home some of those stems. My wife and I decided to label each one for a specific "problem" and give thanks for what that problem taught us." As Phil paid the clerk, he said to Sandra, "I highly recommend the Special!"
"I don't know if I can be thankful for the thorns in my life." Sandra said to the clerk. "It's all too... fresh."
"Well," the clerk replied carefully, "my experience has shown me that the thorns make the roses more precious. We treasure God's providential care more during trouble than at any other time. Remember that it was a crown of thorns that Jesus wore so we might know His love. Don't resent the thorns."
Tears rolled down Sandra's cheeks. For the first time since the accident, she loosened her grip on her resentment. "I'll take those twelve long-stemmed thorns, please," she managed to choke out.
"I hoped you would," said the clerk gently. "I'll have them ready in a minute."
"Thank you. What do I owe you?"
"Nothing. Nothing but a promise to allow God to heal your heart. The first year's arrangement is always on me." The clerk smiled and handed a card to Sandra. "I'll attach this card to your arrangement, but maybe you would like to read it first."
It read: "My God, I have never thanked You for my thorns. I have thanked You a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorns. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed closer to You along the path of pain. Show me that, through my tears, the colors of Your rainbow look much more brilliant."
Praise Him for the roses; thank Him for the thorns.
Excerpts from a devotional by Sharon Jaynes: One day Jesus traveled to Capernaum, Peter's hometown. The people had heard about how Jesus healed the sick, made the lame to walk, and cast out evil spirits. That evening, so many people came to hear Jesus at Peter's home they were crowded into every nook and cranny, even overflowing out the door.
However, Jesus' voice was not the only thing heard among the crowd. Sounds of hammering, pounding, digging, and scraping mingled with voices. Jesus suddenly felt clay from the ceiling begin to rain down on his head and sprinkle his lashes. Dust piled up around his sandaled feet and showered his now powdery cloak. As Jesus raised his eyes to the ceiling, he discovered a growing opening in the ceiling and four very determined men.
The crowd stared wide-eyed as a man was lowered through the opening in the roof and placed at Jesus' feet. Jesus looked down at the paralyzed man lying on the palette before him and simply said, "Your sins are forgiven."
But wait; is that what the man really longed for? Is that what his friends had in mind? Oh my friend, sometimes it is our sin that paralyzes us. One of satan's most damaging tactics is to paralyze us with our own emotional wounds. He wants to fill us with shame, weigh us down with guilt, and cripple our progress toward the cross, but Jesus came to set us free! He tells us to get up and walk!
Another facet of this story sets my heart to singing! The man's friends loved him enough to carry him to Jesus. Sometimes we don't have the energy to make it to the Healer alone. How blessed to have friends who will be the stretcher bearers that carry us to the Savior, risk the rebuke of digging a hole in the roof, and are not afraid of getting a bit messy in the process.
Someone once said, "A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails." A friend can remind me of God's faithfulness when my memory is clouded by the circumstances of life. God sometimes uses friends to be our "stretcher bearers", those willing to carry us through the difficulties of life and set us at the feet of Jesus. At other times, He might call you to be that willing friend for someone else.
A pearl to string:"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!". Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 NIV
My prayers for you my friend have made me one of your stretcher bearers. You are loved, Lyndi
"I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name." Is 49:15-16
"I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me." Jn 10:14
Ray C. Cone, 48, went to rest in peace with his Savior, on November 7, 2009. Ray is survived by his loving wife Trish and beloved children Daniel, Andrew, Patrick, Caroline and Stephen. Ray was born in Wiesbaden, Germany, where his family. was stationed in the Air Force. Growing up in Edgewater, Colorado, Ray excelled in baseball, basketball and football. He later became an All American middle linebacker at Colorado University, where he still holds the record for the most tackles. He later signed with the Denver Broncos. Ray shared his love of sports with each of his five children, volunteer coaching all their teams. Ray’s outgoing personality, integrity and strong work ethic led him to become a successful salesman. Ray will be remembered for his sense of humor, selfless service, love and devotion to family, and above all his love for his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I will come to you in the silence, I will lift you from all your fear. You will hear my voice, I claim you as my choice, Be still and know I am here. Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine.
I am hope for all who are hopeless, I am eyes for all who long to see. In the shadows of the night, I will be your light, Come and rest in me. Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine.
I am strength for all the despairing, Healing for the ones who dwell in shame All the blind will see, The lame will run free, And all will know my name. Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine. I am the Word that leads all to freedom, I am the peace the world cannot give. I will call your name, Embracing all your pain, Stand up, now walk, and live! Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me I will bring you home; I love you and you are mine.
A friend of mine who is going through a very painful trial in her life shared with me how she is dealing with the anger and frustration as she faces the daily unpredictable encounters. When the negative experiences collide with her shattered heart she reaches for the Lord and focuses on mercy and grace. Often repeating the words rapidly as the healing balm begins to cover the pain. How vital for our own healing it is to forgive even the most unforgivable.
While in a concentration camp in Germany, Betsie ten Boom was becoming frail. One day while doing heavy manual labor, she kindly said to her guard, “Don’t give me more to do than I am trying to do already, because I am not strong enough to lift these heavy parts.” The guard flashed back, “You don’t decide what you do. I decide.” At that the guard brutally beat Betsie. Corrie ten Boom, her sister, watched and was enraged. When the guard left, Corrie went over to Betsie who now had blood all over her face. Betsie immediately said, “No, don’t hate, Corrie. You must love and forgive.”
Corrie knew that she was unable. That night she went for a walk and told the Lord that she could not forgive “that brutal woman.” The Lord reminded her of a Scripture, “God’s love had been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5) Corrie knew that what she was unable to do, the Lord, in her, was able to do.
She writes, “At that moment, when I was able to forgive, my hatred disappeared. What a liberation! Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness. What a liberation when you can forgive.” - Adapted from Oh How He Loves You, by Corrie ten Boom
A pearl to string: Troubles, trials, and tragedies reveal our vulnerability and weakness. Those times strip us of arrogance making us less judgmental of others. Most of us become more accepting, understanding, and kind after we have been through a fiery trial. Finally it is from the darkness that we emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient. It is when we are falling into the depths that we experience the majesty and power of God’s promises. In the biography film The Hiding Place, Betsie Ten Boom said to Corrie, her sister that “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.” A statement of faith of God’s timeless and boundless love.
When I was a little girl I lived on the beach in Santa Monica. I loved to stroll along the ocean's edge and collect the broken glass the sea would toss out. The salt water had smoothed the rough edges and changed the color into something so beautiful. I would examine each colorful piece and imagine wonderful stories of travelers in far away places. Broken into beautiful.... wouldn't that make a great devotional. I've been waiting more than a couple of years for the Holy Spirit to guide me into that devotional. I wondered why it would not come to me until this morning when I read Gwen Smith's devotional from Girlfriends in God. It's the perfect illustration for my beautiful broken glass devotional.
Broken Into Beautiful by Gwen Smith
Today's Truth "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5
Friend to Friend I remember the phone call to my college boyfriend. Through sobs, I managed to tell him I was pregnant. There was a long pause on the other end of the phone ... and then came the speed round of questions and comments: "What are we going to do? Do you think we should get married? Oh, my gosh ... Oh, my gosh...what are we going to do? Do you want to have this baby? What are we going to do? What about volleyball? What will your parents say? What will my parents say? Oh, my gosh!"
Like trapped animals, we were frantically looking for a way out. Then we made our decision. We would take care of it. It wasn't time for us to have a baby yet.
God wasn't consulted. He wasn't invited into our decision.
Adam and Eve hid in the garden after eating the forbidden fruit. My boyfriend and I hid from God and did what we considered to be our only option. We made a plan. He would pick me up and take me to a clinic that I read about in the yellow pages.
When the day came, we drove in icy silence. I was Fort Knox. No one was going to break through the emotional walls I had constructed for protection.
You see there was never a moment that I believed having an abortion was the right thing to do. I only stubbornly and naively believed that my choice was the only ladder to grab out of the horrible pit I had dug for myself.
I was wrong. Dead wrong.
There, in the sterile room of that stale clinic, I used an alias. I wasn't Gwen. My charts did not say that I was Gwen, the girl who was raised by good parents, the girl who was raised in the Word of God to know right from wrong. The counselor I had met with said that using my name could have made me feel uncomfortable with the "harmless and legal procedure" I was having done that day. Nobody else needed to know. I was anonymous.
It was my secret. A secret of chains that bound me in silence for the ensuing fifteen years - a secret kept because I mistakenly assumed that no one else could handle the ugly truth of my sinfulness with grace and forgiveness. I was a Christian girl. Christians don't get pregnant when they aren't married, and Christians don't have abortions, right? It was all too scandalous, and I was crazy afraid of the consequences.
Most of that day was a blur. It was a dark, cold January day. Though the clinic was lit with bright fluorescent lights, the flame of dignity and hope in my heart had grown dim. I blocked out all the voices in my head as they contested what I was doing. I was desperate and scared.
I was Peter. Simon Peter was a fisherman Jesus had called to be a fisher of men. His relationship with Christ was passionate and intimate, but far from perfect. He was a disciple, one of Jesus' closest friends. Jesus called Peter "the rock," and he would eventually go on to build the foundation of the Christian church.
But before he did, the Bible shows us, in Luke 22:54-60, that the night Jesus was arrested, Peter "followed at a distance," sat in a courtyard with enemies of Jesus, and denied the Lord he loved three times. Remarkably, Jesus knew Peter would betray Him, yet still extended advanced mercy as He said to him, "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:32).
I imagine that when Peter betrayed Jesus on that long, dark night preceding the crucifixion, he must have felt a physical illness and emotional angst similar to the one that shattered my life the day I said yes to death and betrayed my Lord. Luke 22:62 tells us that after he had disowned Jesus three times, Peter "went outside and wept bitterly."
Peter knew Jesus, yet still betrayed Him. He loved Jesus. I knew Jesus, yet still betrayed Him. I loved Jesus too.
But that love was tucked into the icy trunk of my heart on that snowy winter afternoon.
For weeks following my abortion, I went through each day under a dark cloud of despair. I couldn't reconcile what I had done with who I was, and who I was supposed to be. My heart was broken. I felt hopeless and was horribly ashamed. I hated what I had done, and I hated myself for doing it. I was responsible for the death of my baby. It was my fault. I knew it, and it haunted me.
Voices of accusation used to scream in my head. They shouted things like: Murderer! Baby killer! Hypocrite! You can never tell a soul about this! Condemnation kept me shackled. Without realizing it, I was a captive to my own acceptance of those words. I was guilty. A wretch. No excuses. My heart was paralyzed by death. Words just can't express the depth of anguish my soul experienced.
The dark days turned into weeks, which turned into months. Although I could turn on the fake charm like water from a faucet...oh, how my plastic smile served me well in those days...I was dying inside! At night, my pillow soaked up rivers of tears. I would lie awake, wondering if my baby was a boy or girl, or if my baby had felt any pain as she was being sucked from my body.
I wept. I wept for both my baby and for myself. It was necessary. It felt right to cry. And though the tears helped my soul grieve, none were as healing as the ones I cried to Jesus when I finally turned back to Him.
Like Peter after the rooster crowed, I wept bitterly at the feet of Jesus in raw repentance. Then, as the psalmist did, I "waited patiently for the LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God" (Psalm 40:1-3). Although I didn't deserve His mercy, Jesus forgave me. My forgiveness was immediate and complete, but the healing took time. He gave me a new song.
Hallelujah! I've been forgiven and transformed by the unconditional love of God. I was dead in my sins, but am now alive in Christ! I am free and it is my privilege to encourage you towards that same freedom in Christ. God longs for you to experience His perfect healing and hope too - no matter what you've done, no matter where you've been, no matter what has left you broken.
What's your story? Jesus came that we would have life abundantly (John 10:10). Not because of anything that we have done to deserve it, but because of what He has done. His grace is sufficient. The guilt, pain, and shame of our pasts tell us we are disqualified to move on, to serve God, to be free, and to know peace. But to believe this lie is to believe that your sin is outside the scope of God's grace. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have purpose in this life. And though you may have gone through a season of hurt, rejection, or pain, God can and will pick you up and place you back on track. I'm living proof.
There is no condemnation for those in Christ. While the enemy loves to cast false guilt, our Lord loves to extend grace and forgiveness, which is the remedy that restores all your broken pieces. Don't hold onto those pieces. Don't hide them behind a plastic smile. Bring them into the light, lay them at the feet of Jesus, and let go. Allow your wounds to be healed today.
Let's Pray Holy Father, today I come to You with the broken pieces in my life that I have been hesitant to deal with. Take my hand and lead as I walk past my fears and doubts to the refuge of Your forgiving arms. Please take what is broken and transform it into beautiful. Please free me from the lies that have me shackled in silence and that keep me from believing that Your forgiveness can be mine. Help me to trust that You can redeem and restore every area of my life.
Step outside your door and you are exposed to all kinds of ugly out there in the world. OK, some people don’t even have to step out of their door. We’re all experiencing high exposure to ugly comments, ugly injustices, ugly squabble, ugly arrogance, ugly attitudes, ugly confrontations, ugly language, ugly road rage and a few other ugly messes. There is a growing trend toward ugliness. The financial struggles this year are ugly. The job loss is ugly. Both major political parties seem to have sunk into a new level of ugliness. Public discourse is becoming uglier. As news breaks from day to day we are exposed to all manner of creative ugliness. We hear of ugly weather and ugly moods, situations, architecture, even ugly truths. "Uglyism" lives! Hidden somewhere in the middle of ugliness is blessing and beauty put there by the Creator.
Where is this beauty you query? Show me the beauty! Come on…. Just a little peek… Reveal it!
Well….. It’s you! You are the blessing and beauty God put right smack in the midst of ugly. Your love for God produces a sweet spirit that blesses all who can see you.
It starts in our own home, our neighborhood, our church, our community, our state, our country and reaches to the far corners of our world. There is enough need around the world for each one of us to be a blessing every day of our lives. Deuteronomy 8:10-15 warns us not to grow proud in our comfort and fine things forgetting those in need. The Lord has blessed us for the purpose of being a blessing. Paul wrote: "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4:9 NIV).
A pearl to string: The most freeing thing we can ever do is to abdicate the throne of our own miniature kingdoms. Our status is infinitely higher as a servant in God’s kingdom than a ruler in ours. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
You can make a difference every day You are the beauty the Lord sent Lyndi
They were looking for a Lion, He came as a Lamb, ...and they missed Him.
They were looking for a Warrior, He came as a Peace maker, ...and they missed Him.
They were looking for a King, He came as a Servant, ...and they missed Him.
They were looking for Liberation from Rome, He submitted to the Roman cross, ...and they missed Him.
They were looking for a fit to their mold, He was the mold maker, ...and they missed Him.
What are you looking for? Lion? Warrior? King? Liberator?
What are you looking for? They were looking for their temporal needs to be met, He came to meet their eternal need, ...and they missed Him.
He came as a Lamb to be sacrificed for your sin. ...Will you miss Him?
He came to make peace between God and man. ...Will you miss Him?
He came to model servanthood for all mankind. ...Will you miss Him?
He came that we might have true Liberty. ...Will you miss Him?
He came to give you eternal life. ...Will you miss Him?
When we submit to the Lamb, we will meet the Lion. When we join with the Peacemaker, we will meet the Warrior. When we work with the Servant, we will meet the King. When we walk with the Submitted, we will meet the Liberator. When we concern ourselves with the Eternal, we will have the temporal.
If Jesus is not fitting into the mold you have then come to the mold maker and get a new one. Submit to His plan for your life and you will see the eternal need met first - then all the other things you have need of will be taken care of as well. Matthew 6:33
At our RightNow Conference last year there was a huge theme to dig deep into the word of God and apply what we read. Matt Chandler even said that if he stuck you with a needle he would want you to bleed Bible! I remember going away with a renewed passion to read my Bible more. That passion stuck as the months went by and about 100 days ago I decided I would read the entire Bible before this year's conference. I figured out that if I read for 30 minutes a day I could get it done. And to add some accountability I decided to take on a Nazarite vow and not cut my hair. I hate long hair - so this was some serious incentive to get in the word!
Ninety-seven days later I finished! Reading the Bible for 30 minutes each day was a wonderful experience. Here are a few of my big takeaways:
The Old Testament is all about our faith in God expressed through obedience and marked by being set apart for God. Almighty God asked Israel to do things that demonstrated their faith and obedience in Him.
The New Testament is all about our faith in God expressed by loving one another. Jesus came and changed everything by establishing a kingdom built on love.
The whole Bible is an amazing story where God chooses His people and His people have the wonderful opportunity to glorify Him through faith and obedience expressed in love.
Jesus Christ is the savior of the world! And I love Him deeply - more than words can express!
And... I'm convinced that all good mafia movies were inspired by the Old Testament - those are some seriously epic stories - and even though I knew the outcome there were nights where I simply couldn't put it down. Cain & Abel, Abraham, Jacob & Esau, Joseph (love me some Joseph), David and the list goes on... What a great 97 days!
And Robin is very happy that I got my hair cut on day 98!
Ever notice that these days it takes nerves of steel just to be neurotic!
Coach Wonderful got a call from a friend the other day. When he inquired as to how life was going the friend responded angrily with, “I am bitter”. This Christian gentleman has been facing a difficult trial for some time. It’s definitely been taxing his spirit and draining his energy. He had evolved into the mode of blaming God. Raise your hand if you have ever done that. My hand is raised and there is no smile on my face. “God doesn’t care about me, God doesn’t love me”..... We all know in our right spirit … that is a pile of satan poo and we don’t need to be tracking it through our lives. But what’s the ole saying? ....... satan poo happens? We need to be prepared to guard against it. Corrie ten Boom said, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”
I think I’ve been watching too much Dr. Phil my immediate thought was, “You’re bitter? How’s that working for you?”Is that bringing you peace? Can the Lord touch your heart with that bitterness surrounding you? Are your arms safe and reassuring for each of your family members? Bitterness is like a bat swinging away at the balls of blessing that the Lord is hurling. The Lord has to heave these balls of blessing at the bitter person – He’s trying to hit the guy to down him so He can gently bless him. Otherwise the bitter person is just batting the balls of blessing right out of the park with the exception of an occasional miss when they whiz right by him. Ok, now I’m hearing in my head Jerry Lee Lewis singing Goodness! Gracious! Great balls of (fire) blessing! You’re hearing it too. Admit it!
Nothing stays the same but it can get worse if you hang out in the same place.
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world”. John 16:33/NLT
When you are hurting real bad sometimes it’s hard to get your mind around the fact that a seed just does not grow strong sitting on top of a mound of dirt. It needs to be pushed into the dirt in order to grow into something beautiful. Our suffering feels like a pile of dirt all around us but don’t worry God owns the dirt. In Him we have the peace and in Him we grow beautiful.
A pearl to string: Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up...
Years ago I was sitting at a conference listening to Gary Smalley speak when he shared a story about the Butterfly and the Buffalo. Not long into the story it became apparent that he was speaking about Coach Wonderful & I. Do we know this man I wondered? I could actually hear music as I listened to him describe the Butterfly gliding about. In my head I could hear the violins, the perky piano, the flute, the harps - the strings, the beautiful strings and happy, light melodious music. Then enter the Buffalo and I heard loud drums and tubas and the percussion instruments thundering, precise, slow, low and heavy. Oh my, I always did feel the earth move when Coach Wonderful walks into my world.
Mr. Smalley continued to explain that the butterfly has a keen sensitivity. It is sensitive even to the slightest breeze. It flutters above the ground where it can get a panoramic awareness of its surroundings. It notices the beauty of even the tiniest of flowers. Because of its sensitivity, it is constantly aware of all of the changes going on around it and is able to react to the slightest variation it its environment. Thus, the butterfly would react with swiftness toward anything that might hurt it. If a tiny pebble were taped to its wing, the butterfly would be severely injured and eventually die.
The buffalo is another story. It is rough and calloused. It doesn’t react to a breeze. It’s not even affected by a thirty-mile-an-hour wind. It just goes right on doing whatever it was doing. It’s not aware of the smallest of flowers, nor does it appear to be sensitive to slight changes in its environment. Tape a pebble to the buffalo’s back and he probably won’t even feel it. The buffalo isn’t ‘rotten to the core’ just because he goes around stepping on pretty flowers. In fact, the buffalo’s toughness is a tremendous asset.
Ok, I get it – so I flit about and he has the density of a rock. So how is a butterfly expected to get along with a buffalo that kicks up boulders on a regular basis?
A pearl to string: Through the GRACE OF GOD. Sigh! Pebble pitching is out, dying to self is in. Let Scripture be your guide and learn the secret of respecting your buffalo which unlocks the love a butterfly needs to thrive and flit.
1 Peter 3:4 “Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God”.
Fill your heart with the Word and your soul will fill up with blessings and grace. Singing in His Son shine Lyndi
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."James 1:1-2, 12
Life is a struggle! It’s ever changing and a bit irritating at times. There are moments of time when life is so painful that it is hard to breathe and your heart is on edge. And of course life is sprinkled with the occasions where thinking isn’t imperative and smiling is easy.
Often observing nature we are more able to see the advantages that God created in strife. For example the Great Barrier Reef that stretches 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. On one side of the reef the lagoon looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and full of color. What causes that stark difference?
The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is continually being tested by wind, waves, and storms in constant surges of power. It has to fight for survival every day of its life. As it is challenged and tested it changes and adapts. It grows healthy, strong and it reproduces. The result is magnificent beauty.
A pearl to string: As you look back on your life there are many places you can point to and say, ‘there I grow again’! If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Just remember He has a purpose for your growth and that is your pearl to discover and string. Try to view yourself through your Father’s eyes. God’s intended result is His child’s magnificent beauty.
Corrie Ten Boom shares this true story in her book, "The Hiding Place"...
It was a church service in Munich that I saw him, the former S.S. man who had stood guard at the shower room door in the processing center at Ravensbruck.
He was the first of our actual jailers that I had seen since that time. And suddenly it was all there -- the roomful of mocking men, the heaps of clothing, Betsie's pain-blanched face.
He came up to me as the church was emptying, beaming and bowing. "How grateful I am for your message, Fraulein," he said. "To think that, as you say, He has washed my sins away!"
His hand was thrust out to shake mine. And I, who had preached so often to the people the need to forgive, kept my hand at my side.
Even as the angry, vengeful thoughts boiled through me, I saw the sin of them. Jesus Christ had died for this man; was I going to ask for more? Lord Jesus, I prayed, forgive me and help me to forgive him.
I tried to smile, I struggled to raise my hand. I could not. I felt nothing, not the slightest spark of warmth or charity. And so again I breathed a silent prayer. Jesus, I cannot forgive him. Give me Your forgiveness.
As I took his hand the most incredible thing happened. From my shoulder along my arm and through my hand a current seemed to pass from me to him, while into my heart sprang a love for this stranger that almost overwhelmed me.
And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world's healing hinges, but on His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself.
Corrie Ten Boom "The Hiding Place"
How can one tell? For a live demo go to the family room.
Coach Wonderful and I were sitting in the family room when he said to me, "Grandma, just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."
So I got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all his diet Pepsi!
I had no idea when I married him that my hubby apparently suffered from a not so rare genetic deformity in his DNA. It’s commonly referred to as The Interior Pigskin Membrane. Instead of fat cells beneath their skin they have football cells. Typical symptoms are: prolonged staring which results in drooling, excessive pontification, and a fixation on Xs and Os. To my chagrin I thought those were kisses and hugs. This genetic deformity seems to multiply in families like rabbits to the second and third generation and probably beyond. Well at least I married the Center and not the loose end……… tight end…whatever!
Ok football is beginning to get on my nerves. I think high school football is pretty cool. I especially love to watch our son Tom coach his Knights and our grandson TC send those spirals through the air. Love watching our grandson Derek smile as he flattens the opponents. College football is always exciting all day and night on Saturdays.
Paaleeze, Calgone take me away!
It kind of dwarfs the good ole` fun January 1st bowl game day of yesteryear. That has turned into “The 32 Games of Bowl Season” month! Ugg! ESPU!
Every night of the week there is some kind of football on TV. If it’s not the NFL or Big Time College or local high school then it’s Fantasy Football! All across the world you can hear women cry: “Hold me, Hug me, squeeze me, pretend I’m your remote control”!
Lord have muuur .. saaay!
I drove to the park last Saturday just to escape the sound of football and to listen to classical music while I watched the sunset and what did I spy?
Do you see that little football on the ground?
Even the prairie dogs play football around here! Sometimes there is just a whole lot of shaking going on in a person’s life. Perhaps not earth shaking - just aggravating. When life gets a pile up of annoyances I cling to Job 9:27 “… 'I will forget my complaint, I will change my expression, and smile." I cannot control what others do nor can I control circumstances but I CAN control my attitude and my response. Wow! God is good!
A Pearl to string:A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey.... but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. -- Psalm 34:4
PRAYER:Majesty on high, the Holy One of Israel, my Father and my God, I seek you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I want to know you more completely. I want to fully respond to your leading and your will in my life. Be near me today, and every day. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen and amen.
From the book, Windows On God’s World, by James A Tucker comes a story about a young scientist who won first prize in a high school science fair with an exhibit of her experiments with spiders and their webs. Her project involved a comparison between the webs spun by normal spiders and those spun by spiders under the influence of alcohol.
At first the girl collected a number of common house spiders for her experiment, but she had difficulty with them. When she injected the wine directly into them, they all dropped dead. Then she adopted the plan of feeding wine-injected flies to the spiders. The spiders did not die, but they did not spin webs, either. Somewhat discouraged, she took her problem to her teacher and learned that house spiders are not much for making webs. They simply make strands of silk that are strung in all directions with no particular pattern. She was advised to find some of the common garden species, long know for their talent for constructing beautiful orb webs.
Thus encouraged, the girl again got busy with her project. She found a number of garden spiders and fed them wine-injected flies. This time her efforts were rewarded. The drunken spiders began to spin all sorts of wild and unorganized webs that did not at all resemble the intricate and near-perfect designs they were able to spin under normal circumstances.
After eating the spiked flies, a spider would begin spinning frantically, totally without method or reason. And the tipsy creature would keep on spinning without stopping until it passed out cold. I wonder if that drunk spider was near the computer – hummm – maybe that’s how we got web pages? Groan! Just checking to see if you’re still with me!
A pearl to string: In all good consciousness one should not plan to eat spiked flies. The Bible tells us that God has a superb design for our lives. We have something beautiful to do for our Lord and we don’t want to get drunk on the ways of the world and go web crazy! “He leans on his web, but it gives way; he clings to it, but it does not hold”.(Job 8:15) See! It’s all in the Good Book. Every direction we need to follow Jesus. It’s all written down for us. How cool is that. So dear hearts “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ”.(Colossians 2:8) And “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will”.(Romans 12:2)
Packing up the dreams God planted In the fertile soil of you Cant believe the hopes He’s granted Means a chapter in your life is through But we’ll keep you close as always It won’t even seem you’ve gone cause our hearts in big and small ways Will keep the love that keeps us strong
Chorus: And friends are friends forever If the Lord’s the Lord of them And a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end Though it’s hard to let you go In the Father's hands we know That a lifetimes not too long to live as friends.
With the faith and love God’s given Springing from the hope we know We will pray the joy you’ll live in Is the strength that now you show But we’ll keep you close as always It won’t even seem you’ve gone cause our hearts in big and small ways Will keep the love that keeps us strong
Chorus And friends are friends forever If the Lord’s the Lord of them And a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end Though it’s hard to let you go In the Fathers hands we know That a lifetimes not too long to live as friends.
Associate Pastor David Langerfeld from Harrisburg Baptist Church in Tupelo, Mississippi (I just love spelling that) tells a story about a fourteenth-century Italian stained-glass artist who was summoned to design a huge portrait for the window of a cathedral in Chartres, France. The artist laid all of the pieces he was going to use out on the floor of the cathedral. They were beautiful to behold; most of them were large and colorful. Some of the colors from that time cannot even be reproduced today. Among these awesome pieces of glass was a small, clear piece about as big as your fingernail.
As the stained-glass portrait was assembled, that little piece remained on the floor. Only the big colorful pieces of glass were used. On the day of the window's completion, the tiny piece of clear glass was still lying on the ground.
The entire city gathered to witness the unveiling of the brilliant and beautiful stained-glass portrait. The artist stood in front of the crowd, made his speech, and dramatically pulled down the cloth cover. The crowd gasped at the beauty of the colorful window glowing in the sunlight. After a few seconds, however, the crowd grew silent. They sensed that something was missing, that the portrait was unfinished.
The great artist then walked over to where the little clear piece of glass lay, picked it up, and placed it in the portrait, right in the center of Jesus' eye. As the sun hit that little piece, it gave off a dazzling sparkle. The magnificent stained glass window still draws visitors. The first thing they see is that sparkle in Jesus' eye.
A pearl to string: Psalm 17:8 tells us that God thinks of you as the “apple of his eye”. You may struggle to see yourself as measuring up to others or doing anything big for God. You may think you are “all that” and need a little ‘tude check. Regardless of your impression of yourself God finds you so valuable that He sent His Son Jesus to die for you and keep you with Him for all eternity if that would be your heart desire too. Is there anyone who would like to say the sinner’s prayer? I’ll say it with you. Sinner's Prayer?That's not for me you think- I'm not a Sinner! "Sinner" is a word that gets a bad rap these days - and well it should. Unfortunately, the bad rap it is getting is for the wrong reasons. Confronted with our shortcomings, we are quick to defend ourselves with words like, "I'm not a sinner! I don't go around sinning! I've never murdered anyone or anything like that!" The problem is - we don't really know what the word sin means. We think it only applies to some despicable act that repulses "church people" who want to hang big scarlet letters around our necks. But sin simply means to miss the mark; to fall short of the goal. The fact is, we are all sinners, for there is no one, save Christ alone, who has lived a life that did not in some way fall short of the perfection God requires. We all deserve to pay the penalty for that sin, which is to spend eternity in hell. There are no "magical" words that result in salvation. It is only faith in Jesus' death and resurrection that can save us. Respond to God’s call by crying out to the Lord, repenting of your sins, and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah Yeshua). And please, come just as you are; Jesus will clean up your life as you faithfully seek and follow Him. Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me”(Revelation 3:20) You are the sparkle in His eye, Lyndi
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
"Be still, and know that I am God".Psalm 46:10/NLT. With the surge of activity for the new school year upon us that could be a timely verse though not in time for the mouthy lion. There is a story I came across, reportedly from the writings of Rabbi Kushner, about a group of tourists who went on a safari in Africa and hired several native porters to carry their supplies for them. After three days, the porters announced they would have to stop and rest for a day. When the tourists inquired as to why (they did not appear to be tired) the porters confirmed that fatigue was not the reason: “but we have walked too far too fast and now we must wait for our souls to catch up to us."
The soul is the part of us that longs for God—that tells us how spiritually hungry we are. It’s also the part that reminds us of the truth. For David, the psalmist, his soul was like his inner compass that told him the right way to go. He often had to stop and listen to his soul. Over and over again, his soul is thirsty (Psalm 107:9), it longs for God (Psalm 143:6), his soul cries out for salvation (Psalm 199:81), and it recognizes the truth about himself—that he is fearfully and wonderfully made(Psalm 139:14). If we don’t listen to our souls we become spiritually disconnected. It’s impossible to know God and not connect to your own soul but every once in a while we need a Soul Catch-up Day.“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23) but as Charles Spurgeon rightly noted “so are His stops”. Teachers, Professors, students and parents it may be time to take a stop. Is there some matter plaguing you today--an issue, an obstacle, a problem that stands in your path? Wait on the Lord to give your soul a chance to catch up and in His time, He will clear the way for you to see your way through.
A pearl to string: Hal Chadwick said, “No one appreciates the value of constructive criticism more thoroughly than the one who’s giving it”.
Remember He gives us grace so we can give grace to others. :D
Know that the God who holds the universe is the God who is holding you, Lyndi
"So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you" (2 Cor 4:12).
On 9/11/01, New York City firefighter Stephen Siller had just completed his shift when he heard on his truck's scanner that a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center towers. Siller quickly turned his truck around and attempted to drive back to Manhattan via the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel but found the entrance blocked by abandoned vehicles. Desperate to join his elite Squad One brothers, Siller donned 75 pounds of fire gear and ran a mile-and-a-half through the tunnel, before an emergency vehicle picked him up and dropped him off at Tower Two.
Siller had been orphaned at the age of 10 and raised by his much older brothers and sisters. Siller died that day trying to save others. He left behind a wife and five children.
His story proved so inspirational that it became a legend in the newsrooms and firehouses of New York City. His six siblings - who in many ways viewed Siller as a son, as well as a brother - found themselves grappling with a dilemma: should they allow the tragic circumstances of their brother's death to paralyze and embitter them or use it as a catalyst to help others and preserve his memory?
The Siller family chose the latter.
Once they made that decision, and armed with no extraordinary wealth or political clout, the siblings combined forces to convince New York officials to close down the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel the last Sunday morning of each September and stage the "Tunnel to Towers Run" to commemorate their brother's heroic last run.
Each year since 9/11 tens of thousands of runners have retraced the steps of a hero. As part of the event 343 New York City firefighters, each representing a fallen comrade and holding an American flag, stand throughout the length of the tunnel. They are joined by firefighters from across the United States, each holding a poster-size picture of a firefighter who perished on 9/11.
The Siller family has raised more than $1 million and donated the money to charities that benefit families of those affected by the 9/11 attacks.
This is a tribute to one heartbroken family who opted to channel its energy into triumph out of tragedy.
"I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God; Incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech. Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand, O You who save those who trust in You, from those who rise up against them. Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings, From the wicked who oppress me, From my deadly enemies who surround me" (Psalm 17:6-9). My God, what a privilege to be the apple of Your eye, loved beyond comprehension and nurtured to grow into that prized fruit of Your making. I thank You and praise You for Your lovingkindness and Your protection. I pray that You will also hide our troops in the shadow of Your wings, those brave men and women who fight for freedom and long for peace. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.