Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is it the thought that counts?

Well, I thought about you sitting in your very own Lamborghini for your birthday! Does that count?

Possibly not!

In a remote village in Central America the word got out among the peoples of the region that one of the American missionaries that had served this country for many years was about to return to the US to live out the remaining years of her life.

The nationals desired to honor her for her years of service with a public time of appreciation. News of the event went to all parts of the country in which the missionary was known to the people. One very old and very poor man walked to the ceremony over mountainous terrain for 4 days to bring his gift to the missionary.

The gift consisted of 2 coconuts, but it was all the man had. The missionary recognized the man as coming from the remote village in the mountains.

"Brother, I cannot believe that you would walk so far to present me with this gift," said the missionary to the man.

His response? "Long walk part of gift."
- Author Unknown

A pearl to string: Having just experienced a wonderful Mother’s day I’m thinking a long walk together is part of the gift that God has given me. A long walk with my parents, my brothers, my sister, my Coach Wonderful, my children, my daughter’s in law, my grandchildren, my husband’s family, my friends and with my Savior Jesus. The thought does count but the long walk together is the real gift that blesses me.

Joshua 1.9………. "Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." JOY

Did you know? You are someone else’s treasure
And you are loved,

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