Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Baloney Fly

A fly was buzzing along one morning when he saw a lawn mower someone had left out in their front yard. He flew over and sat on the handle, watching the children going down the sidewalk on their way to school.

One little boy tripped on a crack and fell, spilling his lunch on the sidewalk. He picked himself up, put his lunch back in the bag and went on. But he missed a piece of baloney.

The fly had not eaten that morning and he sure was hungry. So he flew down and started eating the baloney. In fact he ate so much that he could not fly, so he waddled across the sidewalk, across the lawn, up the wheel of the lawn mower, up the handle, and sat there resting and watching the children.

There was still some baloney laying there on the sidewalk. He was really stuffed, but that baloney sure did look good.

Finally temptation got the best of him and he jumped off the handle of the lawn mower to fly over to the baloney. But alas he was too full to fly and he went splat!!, killing him instantly.

The moral of the story: Don't fly off the handle when you are full of baloney.

Segueing into Billy Graham saying; "Every destructive emotion bears its own harvest, but anger's fruit is the most bitter of all. Uncontrolled anger is a devastating sin, and no one is exempt from its havoc. It shatters friendships and destroys marriages; it causes abuse in families and discord in business; it breeds violence in the community and war between nations. Its recoil, like that of a high-powered rifle, often hurts the one who wields it as well as its target. Anger makes us lash out at others, destroying relationships and revealing our true nature. The history of the human race is largely the history of its anger".

"This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God".
James 1:19-20 (NASB)

A pearl to string: Anger is a serious problem that needs our personal attention. We can literally change our lives by changing how we think. We choose what we watch and read, the conversations we have and the time we spend in the Word. If the mind is not filled with good the enemy will fill it with bad. We can control our own temper and it's irrepressible outbursts but not in our own strength because we know it's right. We need the Holy Spirit. Without Jesus there is no power (Holy Spirit). Without Jesus we are on our own. Triple yuk, yuk, yuk, phooey! I don't want to be on my own. I need Jesus.... how 'bout you?

Sending love & joy out to you,

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