Monday, September 3, 2007


A Touch of Blue

Years ago when I was hurting so bad I had to pull my sox down to see (ones' spirit can’t get much lower than that) I came across a story about a young man who got to trade his cross in. Now if someone had given me the story at the time of my joylessness I might have formed some bad words at the base of my brain and disregarded the well intended gift. Some people just have to come across wisdom or they won’t listen.

The young man was at the end of his rope.
Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer.
"Lord, I can't go on," he said.
"I have too heavy a cross to bear."
The Lord replied,
"My son, if you can’t bear its weight, just places your cross inside this room.
Then open another door and pick any cross you wish."
The man was filled with relief.
"Thank you, Lord," he sighed, and did as he was told.
As he looked around the room he saw many different crosses;
some so large the tops were not visible.
Then he spotted a tiny cross leaning against a far wall.
"I'd like that one, Lord," he whispered.
And the Lord replied, "My son, that's the cross you brought in."

When we are hurting the size of our cross always feels too big to endure but it is never too big for God. He tells us in Matthew 11:28-29 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

The Lord gave me something special today. I was praying for a young Mother whose harried life piles up all around her from time to time. There are moments when a body just crashes smack dab into those piles and an immediate melt down occurs. Though life swirls at a crazy pace around you at times and of course you get tired, maybe a bit addle brained, maybe cross, and maybe teary - those are the stops of life. It’s difficult to think, learn, or receive love while moving faster than a speeding bullet.

A pearl to string: So if you have a blue by you today - things that make you stop in life. Those things are not negative though they always appear so. I think of them as hugs from Jesus so He can slow me down long enough to bless me, alert me, teach me, guide me or heal me all while I am safely in my Father’s loving embrace.

Consider this moment a stop.
Let Him embrace you right now,

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